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would you change your sex?

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if given the oportunity would you...?

men: if given the chance to be a woman for a month would you take it?

95% (369) yes
4% (16) no

385 voters have answered this question.

women: would you be a man for a month?

57% (52) yes
42% (38) no

90 voters have answered this question.

men: if you were a woman for a month would you have sex with a man?

62% (236) yes
37% (140) no

376 voters have answered this question.

women: if you were changed into men for a month would you have sex with a woman?

65% (56) yes
34% (29) no

85 voters have answered this question.

men: would you be a girly girl or a tomboy

87% (335) girly girl(like frilly pink things)
12% (50) tomboy (like sports and playing in the mud)

385 voters have answered this question.

women, would you be a mans man or a pretty boy?

45% (36) mans man(cars and dirt)
54% (43) pretty boy (abercrombie model)

79 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-08-10 04:03:16 by sav4pc
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