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Worst TV show

Vote for your most hated tv show.

What is the worst TV show of all time?

1% (5) Cheers
2% (8) Seinfeld
5% (16) Will and Grace
5% (14) Mash
1% (5) ER
4% (12) Married with Children
1% (4) Frasier
1% (4) Just shoot me
4% (12) I love lucy
2% (8) The price is right
8% (23) Star-Trek
2% (8) The Cosby Show
10% (30) South Park
2% (6) Malcolm in the Middle
1% (5) SNL
4% (13) Mad TV
3% (11) Simpsons
11% (32) Friends
11% (31) Other
10% (29) If this poll were a TV show, it would get my vote!

276 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-04-02 19:05:20 by shotgun_000
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