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HBO- Your Favorites!

Vote on the best shows and movies on HBO.

Which of these HBO shows do you watch?

22% (34) The Sopranos
20% (30) Six Feet Under
14% (22) OZ
14% (22) Sex and the City
12% (19) Curb your Enthusisism
4% (6) America Undercover
4% (6) Dennis Miller Live
2% (4) Other,such as late night talk shows
0% (0) I dont like HBO
2% (4) I dont have it but i want it
2% (3) I have HBO and i wacth just The Sopranos

150 voters have answered this question.

Do you think HBO has good movies?

50% (29) Yes, but they show the same movies over again.
36% (21) Yes, and i am satisfied with the movies on HBO.
8% (5) No, They have the worst movies but great shows.
3% (2) No, I only get HBO for adult programming.

57 voters have answered this question.

Out of these shows which is your favorite on HBO?

43% (25) The Sopranos
8% (5) Six Feet Under
17% (10) OZ
29% (17) Sex and the City

57 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-04-03 12:17:48 by vegeta498
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