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What your mother wouldn't do...

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Abortion should be...

31% (21) Illegal
54% (36) Legal
13% (9) Not sure

66 voters have answered this question.

A human life begins at...

43% (28) Conception
30% (20) After the first trimester
26% (17) At birth

65 voters have answered this question.

Corporal punishment...

60% (38) Is just
14% (9) Is just only in mass murder
25% (16) Is NOT just

63 voters have answered this question.

Rate your support on the war on terrorism...

15% (10) 1
14% (9) 2
4% (3) 3
0% (0) 4
19% (12) 5
3% (2) 6
11% (7) 7
7% (5) 8
4% (3) 9
19% (12) 10

63 voters have answered this question.

Spanking is...

52% (36) Okay
25% (17) Okay only when a child does something really bad
17% (12) Not Okay
4% (3) Not sure

68 voters have answered this question.

Prayer in schools...

32% (22) Should be allowed at anytime publically
16% (11) Should be allowed at anytime privately
19% (13) Should be allowed at a designate time
25% (17) Should not be allowed
7% (5) Not sure

68 voters have answered this question.

Curfew in towns...

63% (41) Should not be established
36% (24) Should be established

65 voters have answered this question.


52% (35) Should be allowed to adopt children
32% (22) Should not be allowed to adopt children
14% (10) Not sure

67 voters have answered this question.

Hate crimes...

3% (2) Are okay
6% (4) Are only okay when it invovles a sinful person
83% (54) Not okay
7% (5) Not sure

65 voters have answered this question.

I believe that all people should be treated with the same respect and kindness

87% (57) True
12% (8) False

65 voters have answered this question.

I am

61% (40) Christian
1% (1) Muslim
1% (1) Mormon
0% (0) Jehovah's Witness
0% (0) Buddhist
0% (0) Hindu
35% (23) Other

65 voters have answered this question.

Smoking in public places

62% (42) Is nasty
37% (25) Okay

67 voters have answered this question.

The drinking age should be lowered

40% (26) True
60% (39) False

65 voters have answered this question.

It is okay to sue smoking companies if you smoked and have a terminal disease

10% (7) Yes
72% (48) No
16% (11) Not sure

66 voters have answered this question.

Child pornography...

25% (17) Is okay
74% (50) Is not okay

67 voters have answered this question.


72% (49) is okay
27% (19) is not okay

68 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-04-15 21:51:24 by geeg77
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