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Enemas and You

Looking for the old results?
Personal enema usage from childhood to the present

What is your age?

33% (157) Under 18
15% (70) 19 to 25
4% (21) 26 to 30
7% (34) 31 to 40
8% (39) 41 to 50
30% (142) Over 50

463 voters have answered this question.

Are you?

61% (279) Male
38% (177) Female

456 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever received an enema?

98% (452) Yes
1% (7) No

459 voters have answered this question.

If yes, who gave it to you?

47% (218) Mother
10% (50) Father
1% (8) Grandmother
0% (3) Grandfather
2% (11) Aunt
0% (0) Uncle
2% (10) Sister
1% (8) Brother
2% (10) Neighbor
3% (16) Doctor
11% (53) Nurse
15% (70) Other

457 voters have answered this question.

What type of device was used?

15% (69) Pear-shaped bulb syringe
8% (40) Oval-shaped bulb syringe
2% (13) Other bulb syringe
26% (119) Closed-top rubber bag
27% (124) Open-top rubber bag
8% (41) Plastic bag
6% (28) Metal can
4% (22) Other

456 voters have answered this question.

How many enemas have you received since your first?

8% (37) 1 to 5
9% (41) 6 to 10
60% (276) More
21% (99) Can't remember

453 voters have answered this question.

Do you still use enemas for yourself?

76% (337) Yes
23% (105) No

442 voters have answered this question.

Do you use enemas for your children?

42% (170) Yes
57% (229) No

399 voters have answered this question.

If not, Why not?

13% (33) Don't like them
26% (65) Don't want to subject kids to it
4% (12) Kids refuse to take them
7% (19) Don't know how
56% (139) Other

244 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-04-20 22:19:44 by arnoldlayne
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