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Are you afraid of Flight?

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These are some discussion topics surrounding The G-man award for I am a Better Actor At it Then Real Life for Eddie Murphy, awarded 3/07/02

Are you afraid of National/International Flight?

7% (1) Yes, ever since the 911 scare I don't want to fly anywhere!
42% (6) No I've never been afraid of flight on any level and I probably always will trust my pilots.
35% (5) I've always been afraid of flying around in the sky.
14% (2) Hell no, Give me a plane and a destination and I'll fly the damn thing myself.

14 voters have answered this question.

What calms you down during a flight?

23% (3) The beauty of feeling alive no matter where I am.
30% (4) Polite Conversation with fellow passengers.
0% (0) Trying to tear open those damn Peanut packages.
23% (3) The InFlight Movie, whatever it may be.
15% (2) My Agenda for taking over the Planet Earth and eventually - the entire Galaxy.
30% (4) ALCOHOL
15% (2) Lots of Alcohol
0% (0) Thank god for the three "r's", the Retch Bag, the radio and the restroom.
15% (2) A magazine will suffice.
53% (7) I love the view from the window seat.
15% (2) Psyching out fellow passengers with their fear(s) of flight.
15% (2) The silky soft feel of my turban on my forehead and the boxcutter in my mighty terrorist arsenal.

13 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-04-22 06:08:28 by garbageman
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