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Which girl would you prefer?

I'm going to give you a few choices, and tell me which one you'd be most interested in.
Would you rather date:
a slightly overweight girl with a beautiful face?
a girl with an amazing body and an ugly face?
Who would you be more interested in?
A popular girl who treats people badly
A non-popular girl who is cool to everybody
What do you think of freckles?
I love it when a girl has freckles!
They're OK as long as she doesn't have tons of them.
I really don't like freckles.
Would you date a girl that was a lot smarter than you?
Which would you prefer?
A quiet, mysterious girl.
An outgoing, fun-loving girl.
How would you feel if you found out your girlfriend had more sexual partners than you?
intimidated, like maybe she'll think you're not very good
excited--she can show you new stuff!
turned-off, you don't want to date a slut
Who would you be more interested in dating, considering that they were both interested in you:
a 26 year-old woman
a 16 year-old woman
Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman have both been dating younger men, lately. Would you date an older woman?
Yes, up to 5 years older.
Yes, up to 10 years older.
Yes, up to 15 years older.
Yes, up to 20 years older.
Yes, up to 25 years older than me.
Yes, even more than 25 years older.
Who would you rather date?
A vegetarian who does't care what you eat.
A meat-eater who insists on ordering your meals for you.
Which would you prefer?
a woman who doesn't know if she ever wants to get married or have kids
a woman who knows that she definitely wants to get married and have kids one day
Which would you prefer?
A stupid girl with a great body.
A brilliant girl with an average body.
Would it bother you if you discovered the girl you just started dating was on antidepressants?
No--it shows that when something's wong she takes care of it.
No--who isn't on antidepressants?
Yes--I'd be worried she'd go psycho on me.
Yes--I'd be worried that if we ever got serious she might pass her depression on to our kids.
other (please post)
This poll was created on 2002-06-13 10:26:06 by lucas