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Bra & Panties or T-Shirt & Panties (Guys Only)

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Which is sexier a girl in a bra and panties or a t-shrt and panties?

Are you male or female

97% (933) Male
2% (25) Female (just seeing results)

958 voters have answered this question.

Guys, would you rather see a woman in only her bra and panties or a t-shirt and panties?

55% (527) Bra and Panties
44% (426) T-shirt and panties

953 voters have answered this question.

If you would rather see a woman in only a bra and panties why?

43% (288) More skin revealed
35% (238) Like the cleavage
21% (143) Other

669 voters have answered this question.

If you said you would rather see a woman in a t-shirt and panties why?

27% (160) Leaves something to the imagination
35% (202) The mystery turns you on
18% (109) You prefer legs
17% (103) Other

574 voters have answered this question.

If you would rather see a woman in a t-shirt and panties how big should the shirt be?

4% (26) A lose shirt that covers the panties
24% (154) A lose shirt that partially covers the panties
24% (152) a lose shirt that dosen't cover the panties
46% (289) a tight shirt that dosent cover the panties

621 voters have answered this question.

What kind of panties should the woman be wearing with the t-shirt

17% (145) Briefs
36% (308) Bikinis
13% (110) G-Strings
20% (173) Thongs
10% (86) Boy Shorts
2% (21) Other

843 voters have answered this question.

What material panties should she wear with the t-shirt

45% (370) Cotton
19% (162) Silk
24% (204) Satin
9% (81) Other

817 voters have answered this question.

If you prefer only a bra and panties should the set match

79% (554) Yes
20% (146) No

700 voters have answered this question.

If you prefer only a bra and panties what material

31% (218) Cotton
29% (203) Silk
28% (197) Satin
9% (65) Other

683 voters have answered this question.

Would you be willing to comment on your preferences?

43% (347) Yes
56% (457) No

804 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-10-31 16:32:31 by Jean Panty
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