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Abortion and the aging workforce

Has abortion hurt America's economy?
Did you know that over 34 million abortions have taken place since Roe v. Wade, and that nearly fifteen million of the aborted fetuses would now be old enough to work?
what do you think think the effect on America's economy would be if the more than 15 million aborted fetuses which would now be old enough to have entered America's workforce were alive today?
I think it would improve our economy
I think things would remain the same as they are
I think things would be worse
would there be any valid secular reason to be pro-life?
How many abortions do you think occur every year in the US, on average?
Do you think that Abortion may have had a similar effect to the first and second world war in shaping our population (the numbers of lost lives are comparable, If you count a fetus as a full life)
Did you know that the ratio of people over 65 to people under 50 is now twice what it was 50 years ago?
Do you think that Abortion
Helps our economy
hurts our economy
does not effect our economy
do you think that abortion
has changed our population for the worse
has improved our population
has had little effect on our population
This poll was created on 2002-04-24 20:38:57 by spacemanspiff120