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Pranks at Parties

This poll is about pranks you had done to you at parties!
Have you ever had any pranks pulled on you at a party?
Don't Go to Parties
Have you ever passed out at a party?
What is the worst thing that has happened to you when you passed out at a party?
Been stripped to underwear
Been stripped totally
Been stripped and taken somewhere or put outside
Been written on with perm. marker
Been painted on
Had chest legs or arms shaved
Had armpits shaved
Had pubes shaved
Had whole body shaved
Been Pole Racked
Been stunned with a stun gun
Been hit in the nuts HARD
Been sexually taken advantage of
Been given a pill or injection of something
Other (please explain in talk about this survey)
What is your biggest fear when you pass out at a party?
Nothing.. nothing ever happens
I never passed out
That people will mess with me a little
That people will get too crazy and cause permanent damage to me
That I will not wake up
Other (please explain in talk about poll)
After you have pranks done to you what do you feel?
I feel like killing the person who did it
I laugh it off
I am mad for awhile then laugh it off
Do you take revenge when someone plays a prank on you?
Oh yea
No... I let it pass
Which pranks do you find funniest? Chose all you feel are very funny and cool to do
Shaving someone
Stripping Someone
Writing on Someone
Pole Racking someone
Stun gunning someone
Moving someone someplace
Hitting someone when they are passed out
Other (explain in talk about poll)
I have had the following PERMANENT things happened due to party pranks...
I have a scar or scars
I can not hear correctly
I can not see correctly (eye damage)
One of my limbs never healed correctly
I am sterile
I have nightmares about what happened
I do not go to parties anymore
Nothing permanent ever happened
I think party pranks are
Cool.. they make parties more fun.. they should be out of control
Stupid.. people should stop doing them
OK if there is no permanent damage
This poll was created on 2002-04-28 14:04:47 by Prtydude