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Angelina Jolie VS. Jessica Alba (HAHA!)

hottie vs. hot
Who would win in a fight?
Angelina Jolie! DUH! she would kick some major ass hell she would even kick mine
Jessica Alba! she woulld do somthing? oh hell shes doomed
Who's hotter?
Angelina Jolie! Big #*!@S! Nice Waist! Nice Ass
Jessica Alba.....
Who Can Act Better
Angelina Jolie! she is mad whicked
Jessica Alba! shes pretty good
Who cares unless there half naked?
Who would dance better?
Angelina Jolie! Of course she could dance...i think
Jessica Alba ever seen "HONEY"
Okay who's better overall
Angelina Jolie! she has a hot man!(bradd pitt) she can act good, she's hot as hell! and did i mention shes hot?
Jessica Alba! shes hot hot hot hot hot and she has a nice ass and can act good and shes hot
This poll was created on 2005-11-24 10:21:29 by csahe123