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The All New Ultimate Planet of the Apes Poll

Not for the occasional POTA fan. This one's for the obsessed.
What is your favorite Planet of the Apes film?
Planet of the Apes (1968)
Beneath the Planet of the Apes
Escape from the Planet of the Apes
Conquest of the Planet of the Apes
Battle for the Planet of the Apes
Planet of the Apes (2001)
When watching any of the Planet of the Apes movies, whose side do you usually root for?
Humans / Mutants
Who was your favorite character in the original Planet of the Apes film?
Dr. Zira
Dr. Zaius
Dr. Galen
In Beneath the Planet of the Apes, James Franciscus played the leading role as Brent. Many panned his work in this film. What do you think?
I agree. He was a poor actor, especially compared to Heston.
I disagree. I think he was great as Brent.
Out of all the Planet of the Apes films and T.V. series, what character did you like best that was played by Roddy MacDowall?
Cornelius (POTA, Escape from POTA)
Caesar (Conquest of POTA, Battle for POTA)
Galen (POTA T.V. Series)
What do you think of Tim Burton's "re-imagined" take on Planet of the Apes?
I loved it. It was better than the original.
It was horrible.
Not only was it horrible, I've sworn never to watch it again.
In Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes "re-imagined" film, many had different reasons for liking or disliking the film. Out of the list, which best describes you're feeling about the film?
I loved the first part, but hated the ending.
I hated the first part, but loved the ending.
I loved the whole movie!
I hated the whole movie!!
In Escape from the Planet of the Apes, what did you think of the gorilla and chimpanzee costumes used for the primitive apes in the film. These are no in regards to Cornelius, Milo or Zira, just Heloise (chimp at the circus) and the gorilla (at the zoo).
Boy, were they lame or what?!?
They were okay.
I've never seen this movie.
In Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, what is your theory on why apes were used as slaves? Don't you think the humans had been forwarned of the danger of ape domination from 1973's arrival of the 3 talking apes?
Yes, you'd think so.
No, because humans are evil!
Was Battle for the Planet of the Apes a nessesary film to finish the series?
Yes, since it explains the aftermath of the ape revolution.
No, it should've ended with Conquest.
No, it should have ended with Escape.
No, it should've ended with Beneath.
No, it should've ended with the original Planet of the Apes movie.
Would you like to see a sequel to Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes?
No way!
If a sequel or continuation of the story timeline was made, would you like it to be based on the original concept or Burton's alternate?
Original concept, including make up and costumes.
Original concept, but Burton's updated costumes/make up.
Burton's alternate concept was much better.
William T. Quick has written a new Planet of the Apes novel, title "The Fall", which is a prequel to the 2001 Tim Burton film. Would you like to see this movie made into a film?
Sure, maybe it would explain alot.
I'd have to read the book first.
In the mid 70's, there was Return to the Planet of the Apes, a Saturday morning cartoon. Since 20th Century Fox has been kind enough to release all of the original films to DVD, plus the TV series, would you like to see the animated series also released to DVD?
Yes, it would certainly complete my collection.
No, the animated series was terrible.
Don't care either way.
Who was your favorite character on the Planet of the Apes TV series?
Alan Virdon
Peter Burke
Which human displayed the most compassion for apes, either before the revolution or after?
Taylor (Planet '68)
Dr. Dixon (Escape)
Dr. Branton (Escape)
MacDonald (Conquest)
Armando (Escape and Conquest)
MacDonald (Battle)
Leo Davidson (Planet '01)
This poll was created on 2002-05-06 16:45:22 by thewalruspopstar