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Premarital sex, anyone?

Poll on premarital sex.
Do you believe in premarital sex?
Uh... do I "believe in it"? Are you asking me if I believe it exists? Yes it does exist.
Do I believe in it? Uh... I don't believe that anyone I know does it.
No. There is no such thing.
Ok then, do you believe it is wrong?
It's a personal choice. It's only wrong if you think it's wrong for you.
Yes, if you don't care about the person.
Yes, if you don't use protection.
Yes, if it's a one night stand.
Yes, if you're too young.
Yes, if you aren't married.
It's wrong to supress your sexual urges.
Were you guilty when you lost your virginity?
Haven't lost it
This poll was created on 2002-05-06 17:55:45 by spiderwoman_xxx