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What's Your Ideal Movie?

What's Your Ideal Movie?The one which contains action, magic, andventure,or what? Please,let me know.

My Ideal Movie has a storyline based on:

26% (61) Action
11% (26) Magic
10% (23) Meta-phisic phenomenos
7% (16) Destructions
15% (35) True story
10% (23) Hirtoric Facts
18% (43) Myths and Legands

227 voters have answered this question.

When does this movie take place?

3% (4) Ancinend times
9% (13) Dark Ages
4% (6) Renaissance
3% (5) Classical Period (1750-1850)
3% (5) Romantic Period (1850-1950)
30% (40) Modern Age (1950-now)
17% (23) Future
27% (37) Doesn't Matter

133 voters have answered this question.

Do you like a hero in the movie?

9% (13) Yes,a super-hero.
33% (45) Yes.
37% (50) Yes,but just a simple man.
5% (8) No,small storylines in the same time.
13% (18) No.

134 voters have answered this question.

A new movie these days is good if..

2% (6) it has only action and no storyline
29% (83) it has action and storyline
12% (34) it has things that can't be done
3% (11) it has no violence
7% (21) it has magical things
11% (33) it has super-natural things
5% (16) it has aliens
14% (40) it has sex scenes
8% (23) it is about psichology
4% (14) it is about war

281 voters have answered this question.

Where does your Ideal Movie take place?

52% (69) In the real world
5% (7) In the space
14% (19) In an unreal world
0% (0) Underground
1% (2) In the sea
26% (35) Doesn't Matter

132 voters have answered this question.

Do you like the present movies?

6% (8) Yes,all of them!
65% (85) Yes,some of them.
26% (34) Yes,but very few.
1% (2) No,I don't like them.
0% (1) No,I hate them!

130 voters have answered this question.

Which period's movies you like best?

7% (15) The old black-and-white
19% (38) The old (colored)
34% (67) The not very old (last 5 years)
37% (73) The today's

193 voters have answered this question.

Do you think that the movies will become better?

45% (58) Yes,I hope so.
22% (29) Yes,but I don't have any problem with them.
17% (22) No,I'm afraid they will be the same.
5% (7) No,but I don't have any problem with them.
9% (12) I don't think they are bad now.

128 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-05-12 13:24:03 by musik_gr
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