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shiverring in public women only

hi, this poll is just to ask if any of you ladys out there mind shiverring in public
when out in winter do you ?
dress to impress?
wrap up warm?
if out on a cold day and you are cold do you.
shiver out load and chatter teeth?
try and hide your shiverring?
don't shiver?
if you are shiverring do people say?
are you cold?
you need to wrap up?
you need to get in the warm?
wrap there arms around you?
Oh! you make me feel cold?
if you are shiverring and try to stop them how do you do it?
clamp jaw closed?
hold your hand over your mouth?
pull your scarf up?
somthing else?
do you get inbarrssed when you shiver?
what is the least amount of clothes you have worn on a icy cold day 20 degrees or so? when out shopping or around town?
thick coat trousers?
jacket , skirt , tights?
Bare legs, skirt , t shirt?
skirt , bare legs, tiny top , sandals?
Bikini , sandals?
This poll was created on 2006-03-14 21:30:38 by muleman