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X-files series wrap-up

Were the last 9 years fascinating, or could you have done without seasons 7-9? Do tell!

Did the XF really spell out "The truth"?

23% (724) It wasn't supposed to.
14% (439) No, it sucked. (The last episode)
45% (1379) Yes it did, somewhat.
16% (499) The truth is peeps.

3041 voters have answered this question.

Did it last long enough?

13% (410) Too long.
21% (649) Just right.
65% (1991) I wanted more storytelling, dammit!!

3050 voters have answered this question.

How do you feel about the newer agents, Reyes and Doggett?

11% (361) The XF wouldn't be the same without them.
21% (661) They diluted the series, but added to the story.
37% (1143) There was no need to pollute the series this way.
28% (883) Neutral.

3048 voters have answered this question.

Would you categorize yourself as a 'shipper (for MS relationship) or a noromo (no relationship)?

50% (1609) 'Shipper.
35% (1122) Noromo.
13% (425) Neutral.

3156 voters have answered this question.

How many films post-series should be made?

15% (465) One
19% (605) Three
15% (489) Two
49% (1512) As many as possible.

3071 voters have answered this question.

The Lone Gunmen died. How do you feel about that?

45% (1359) It was lame. (Clapping an 'L' to your forehead).
7% (229) I laughed the whole time, it wasn't real for me.
14% (429) They're not dead.
33% (1000) They *were* going to die sometime,had to be done.

3017 voters have answered this question.

Do you understand the mytharc?

37% (1121) Hell no. It was clear through season 5, but ???
20% (624) Of course I do, but I admit seeking a tutor.
20% (626) The series was diluted through greed, mytharc sham
20% (617) It will become clearer with the movies.

2988 voters have answered this question.

What was your favorite season?

11% (365) 1
11% (377) 2
16% (532) 3
18% (585) 4
9% (317) 5
7% (235) 6
12% (408) 7
5% (187) 8
5% (179) 9

3185 voters have answered this question.

Who is your favorite character?

40% (1428) Mulder
46% (1606) Scully
2% (99) Skinner
0% (34) Ratboy (Krycek)
3% (138) Reyes
4% (164) Doggett
0% (5) Mr. X
0% (0) Kersh
0% (17) CSM

3491 voters have answered this question.

Who was your favorite informant?

43% (1307) Mr. X
30% (917) Deep Throat
3% (120) Marita Covarrubias
22% (689) Skinner

3033 voters have answered this question.

Last: Who was your favorite bad guy?

1% (32) Duane Barry
26% (798) Alex Krycek
20% (634) Mr. X
32% (998) CSM
0% (6) Doug Spinney (Darkness Falls)
2% (66) Eugene Victor Tooms (Squeeze/Tooms)
10% (311) that dude from "Pusher"
4% (146) Fat Italian guy from the Consortium
0% (8) Crewcut man (Erlenmeyer Flask/Red Museum)
2% (69) Other

3068 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-05-29 21:19:45 by intrepidsoul
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