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Wrestling Challenge To Women

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This poll is designed to determine how many women would accept a challenge to wrestle a male.

Women: I'm an average size male who does not believe that I can be beaten by a female of similar size. What do you think would happen if we wrestled?

35% (17) I would win easily
29% (14) I might win
18% (9) You would probably win easily
16% (8) It would be close

48 voters have answered this question.

Women: What would prevent you from wrestling a male?

28% (14) Fear that he would want to do more than wrestle?
4% (2) Fear of losing?
6% (3) Fear that spouse would find out?
61% (30) I'm not afraid at all

49 voters have answered this question.

I believe that mixed wrestling can be fun and competitive. What is your view on this?

22% (15) I would wrestle to win, not because it's fun
58% (39) It would be fun, but I still would want to win
4% (3) I don't find it fun at all.
14% (10) It sounds like fun, but I've never tried it.

67 voters have answered this question.

Women: If you wanted to challenge a guy to wrestle, where would you like it to take place?

14% (7) At an outdoor public place such as a park
4% (2) Somewhere outside, but private
12% (6) At an indoor public place such as a gym
44% (22) Indoors with total privacy
24% (12) Indoors with a friend watching

49 voters have answered this question.

Men: Do you believe a female can give you a competitive match?

7% (5) Not a chance. Girls are not strong enough
7% (5) If she was bigger, she might put up a challenge
32% (23) Yes, some girls can compete in wrestling
52% (37) Yes, even smaller girls are capable of winning

70 voters have answered this question.

Men: It's real difficult to get a girl to wrestle a guy. What do you think the chances wrestling a girl are?

1% (1) None. It'll never happen
40% (28) It's possible, but unlikely
18% (13) The chances are real good
40% (28) I've already wrestled at least one girl

70 voters have answered this question.

Men: A girl challenges you to wrestle who is much smaller than you, but has experience wrestling. Who is going to win?

12% (9) I will because she's a girl
32% (23) It might be tougher than I thought, but I'll win
20% (14) It would be close, but she would probably win
34% (24) She would win easily

70 voters have answered this question.

Women: A challenge arises from a guy. You are smaller than him, but have wrestling experience. Who will win?

56% (27) I would win easily. Guys aren't as strong as they think.
8% (4) It would be close, but I would still win
20% (10) It would be too close to tell.
6% (3) It would be close, but he would win.
8% (4) He would win easily

48 voters have answered this question.

Girls: A lot of polls show the girls answering that they can beat a guy. Are you willing to wrestle to prove it?

65% (32) Yes, I'm ready...
22% (11) If I knew for sure it was just to wrestle I would
4% (2) I would be nervous about it, so probably not.
8% (4) No I wouldn't

49 voters have answered this question.

Girls: If you did set up a match with a guy, what would the rule be to win?

12% (6) One pin for at least 10 seconds
16% (8) At least 3 out of 5 pins to win.
6% (3) Set a time limit
64% (31) Wrestle until the other person gives up.

48 voters have answered this question.

Guys: If you did set up a mixed match, what would the rule be to win?

11% (8) One pin for at least 10 seconds
26% (18) At least 3 out of 5 pins to win
5% (4) Set a time limit
55% (37) Wrestle until someone gives up

67 voters have answered this question.

Girls: If you did wrestle a guy and won, how do you think it would end?

17% (8) I would be on top of him holding his arms down.
12% (6) I would have him in a body scissor
34% (16) I would have his head in a leg scissor
21% (10) He would be pinned to the ground from head to toe
14% (7) He would tire out and give up

47 voters have answered this question.

Girls: If you did win a match against a guy, how would you react?

0% (0) I would congatulate him on a good match
10% (5) I would taunt him and embarrass him
21% (10) I would be quiet, but excited and happy inside
36% (17) I'd have him kiss my feet and admit I'm stronger.
30% (14) I would ask him if he wanted a rematch someday

46 voters have answered this question.

Girls: I am challenging you to a fun, but competitive wrestling match. Nothing else, only wrestling. Do you accept?

50% (22) Yes, I'll see if we live close enough
25% (11) No
25% (11) Let's chat first and decide

44 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-06-14 14:55:34 by nferrino
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