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Immigration Policy

Do you approve of the Federal Government's handling of our Border and Immigration problems?
How do you evaluate the job the federal government did on protecting the borders prior to September 11th
How do you view the Federal Govenment's present performance in controlling the border compared to before September 11th?
Worse than before
About the same
Better than before
Do you approve of the planned dismantling of the INS, (Immigration and Naturilization Service)
Yes, its high time
No, its not their fault
I don't know
Do you think that we are safer today than we were before 9-11 day?
Yes, were doing the best we can
No, too much is left undone
Too soon to tell
What border policy do you approve of?
Present open policy, no changes
Present open policy, but be alert
Lock down the borders until the end of the war
How do you evaluate our present immigration policies?
Present policies are ok, leave them alone.
Our Policies are ok, they just need enforcement
Our policies are ok but need some changes
Its a mixture of needing changes and enforcement.
This poll was created on 2002-06-18 05:15:01 by Texas Rules