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Christian's thoughts on Atheist

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Okay, this is an informal poll about how Christians feel about Atheists

Okay, I am actually an Atheist. Knowing that alone, what are your thoughts about me.

33% (18) I have to get to know you first before I can pass judgement
28% (15) I probably wouldnt have a problem with you
1% (1) Your probably have loose or very few morals
11% (6) I will pray for you
24% (13) I don't even want to give you the time of day.

53 voters have answered this question.

If you had a friend that has good morals, and he/she recently told you they're an Atheist, would that change your friendship

21% (11) Yes, we would be better friends because they trust me not to judge them.
7% (4) Yes, I would still be friends but loo down on them somewhat
23% (12) I would break off all ties
47% (24) No

51 voters have answered this question.

Do you feel Atheist are lonley people?

45% (24) Yes
54% (29) No

53 voters have answered this question.

Do you feel that Atheist are un-Ameican?

30% (16) Yes
69% (36) No

52 voters have answered this question.

Do you agree with this stereotype? "Atheists have no morals, since they don't believe in God"

35% (19) Yes
64% (34) No

53 voters have answered this question.

Do you agree with this? "Atheists seek to remove religion from society, and to force all people to be atheists"

50% (27) Yes
49% (26) No

53 voters have answered this question.

If a well qualified person ran for president and you found out they are an atheist. Even if you agreed on everything else they said would you vote for them?

60% (32) Yes
39% (21) No

53 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-04-11 02:25:39 by xAmericanxxJesus
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