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the random poll of...randomness

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first of all, what is your gender?

56% (26) male
45% (21) female

46 voters have answered this question.

What letter does your name start with?

10% (5) A
4% (2) B
8% (4) C
0% (0) D
4% (2) E
0% (0) F
4% (2) G
0% (0) H
2% (1) I
8% (4) J
10% (5) K
2% (1) L
16% (8) M
8% (4) N
0% (0) O
0% (0) P
0% (0) Q
6% (3) R
8% (4) S
2% (1) T
0% (0) U
2% (1) V
2% (1) W
0% (0) X
0% (0) Y
0% (0) Z

48 voters have answered this question.

favorite videogame company

52% (25) Nintendo
12% (6) PC
35% (17) Sony
33% (16) Microsoft

48 voters have answered this question.

do you like orios?

71% (32) yes
31% (14) no

45 voters have answered this question.

If you had to commit suicide, what would you do? Check 3.

52% (24) Jumping
30% (14) Knife
67% (31) Gun
17% (8) Hold breath
58% (27) other

46 voters have answered this question.

have you bitten a shoe?

16% (8) yes
52% (25) no
6% (3) a boot
25% (12) maybe

48 voters have answered this question.

Are you failing algebra.What's your grade?

51% (24) A
25% (12) B
25% (12) C
14% (7) D
12% (6) F

47 voters have answered this question.

Do monkeys makes you do strange things? list what they make you do?

35% (12) jump
32% (11) scream
35% (12) dance
29% (10) sing
20% (7) scrath
17% (6) faint
23% (8) puke
50% (17) eat cranberries
52% (18) many other things

34 voters have answered this question.

Do you happen to read cheese related magazines?

29% (14) yes
70% (33) no

47 voters have answered this question.

Are you from canada?

14% (7) Yes
70% (34) no
8% (4) I'm from Mexico
37% (18) Pure American
33% (16) why?

48 voters have answered this question.

Are you claustrophobic?

10% (5) yes
60% (29) no
16% (8) maybe
29% (14) Space getting SMALLER!

48 voters have answered this question.


59% (26) yepyepyep
65% (29) 123456789

44 voters have answered this question.

this was pointless, wasn't it?

26% (13) pointless
20% (10) very pointless
18% (9) Really pointless
18% (9) Super pointless
24% (12) Super de duper pointless
32% (16) no

49 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2007-03-19 19:24:56 by JDPsnowshredder
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