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Do you mix speghetti sauces with the noodles?

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This is to see if you mix your noodles with speghetti sauce in one pan before serving, or if you do it as you get your plate.

Are you the kind of person to mix your noodles and speghetti sauce after you make it? (i.e. into one pan before serving)

50% (3) Yes, I'm a mixer of the sauce!
50% (3) No, I don't do such crazy things!

6 voters have answered this question.

Are you the kind of person that lets the individuals mix the noodles and sauce to their own liking? (i.e. get a plate, put on noodles, then sauce)

60% (3) Yes, I like post editing my food!
20% (1) No, this is insane to me!
20% (1) No Preference.

5 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-07-27 16:57:45 by SolidiusRock
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