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Do you like being carried?

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Do you find it a turn on to be carried?

Are You Male or Female?

74% (57) Male
25% (20) Female

77 voters have answered this question.

Do you find being carried a turn on?

84% (66) Yes
15% (12) No

78 voters have answered this question.

What method do you enjoy most?

65% (51) Cradle in arms
14% (11) Over the shoulder
20% (16) other

78 voters have answered this question.

Have you eber been carried by the same sex and found it stimulating?

20% (16) Yes
79% (61) NO

77 voters have answered this question.

Would you rather carry or be carried?

17% (13) Carry
82% (63) Be carried

76 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-07-30 19:10:53 by Williamots
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