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Sexual Orientation Poll for Women Only

The purpose of this poll is simply to attain a general view of the scope of women's varying sexual preferences.
Okay, ladies, how do you identify yourselves?
Straight, but curious about bisexuality
Lesbian, but curious about bisexuality
Omnisexual (attracted to ALL sexes)
Asexual (not attracted to any sex)
If you are straight, have you ever been legitimately attracted to another woman?
Sort of...
If you are a lesbian, have you ever been legitimately attracted to a man?
Sort of...
If you are bisexual, do you prefer men or women?
I like both equally.
For straight women only: If you could be gay for just one day, which of these women would you most want to hook up with?
Angelina Jolie
Jennifer Lopez
Charlize Theron
Reese Witherspoon
Drew Barrymore
Cindy Crawford
For lesbians only: If you could be straight for just one day, which of these guys would you most want to hook up with?
Brad Pitt
Ben Affleck
Tom Cruise
Josh Hartnett
Vin Diesel
Leonardo DiCaprio
Ryan Philippe
If you are straight, how would you best describe your feelings about gays/lesbians and bisexuals?
I think their lifestyle is disgusting and immoral.
They make me slightly uncomfortable, but I accept them.
I cannot understand them and I find it difficult to relate to them.
I support them 100%. They should be granted the same rights as heterosexual couples.
I accept them, but I don't believe that they should have the same rights as heterosexual couples.
Love is love; gender is immaterial.
I wish I was one of them!
And finally, in your opinion, which of these factors is the main cause of same-sex attraction?
Nature (biological factors)
Nurture (social factors)
This poll was created on 2002-08-20 05:33:24 by Circus_Reject