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Pop Music Vs Rock Music

Ever thought 'Hey wait a minute, pop music is crap'? or 'Hey wait a minute, why am i listening to Westlife, when i could be listening to Nirvana'? well whether you have or not, this poll is for you, the questions pit a rock band against a pop band (past or present) you just tell me which one you prefer out of the two, yes, it is that easy!
When you think of rubbish, you immediatley think of Westlife, and when you think of talent you will definately think of Iron maiden, who do you prefer?
Iron Maiden
When you think of uglyness, if your a lad then you'll think of Courtney love, and if your a lass then you'll think of Michael Jackson, who is the better of the two? (music wise)
Michael Jackson
Punk, its a strange thing, these two couldnt be any more different, but yet they are still classed as punk! who's better?
Avril Lavagne
Sex Pistols
These two both have a rather, erm..unique voice, who do you like the best?
System of a down
Macey Gray
These two bunches of women are very different, one seems to have a certain degree of talent (the first one) but the second lot just seem to have gotten lost on their way to the kitchen and found their way into a recording studio where some idiot producer gave them a record deal, who do you prefer?
Jack off Jill
All Saints
These two bands are really both quite similar when you think about it, only for some reason one is classed as pop, and the other rock? which is the best?
Cradle of filth
Which of these two duo's do you think 'rocks' the most?
Tenacious D
Ant & Dec
Dead rockstars, good for nothing, which one of these would you prefer to be in a cemetry with? (if they could still play music)
Jimi Hendrix
These two bands both hail from the european mainland (not britain), Which is the better one?
Some bands, pop or rock, have members that are surplus to requirements, these two certainly do, which do you prefer?
So Solid Crew
From somewhere, these two have gotten the idea that they can rap, tut tut tut, Which do you like the most?
Limp Bizkit
Kings always take dominance over queens, bearing that in mind, who do you prefer, the king of rock, or the queen of pop?
Ozzy Osbourne
Some singers start off in one musical genre, and then move onto another, a certain singer has done that recently, only this singer has tryed to directly copy one of the greatest bands of all time, and she failed miserably, who do you like best, her or the band she's trying to copy?
Britney Spears
These two are both in the pits of their genre, if you want to listen to a rubbish example of rock or pop, you wouldnt go far wrong with these two, who's better?
Linkin Park
Blazin Squad
Real metal Vs Pop (fake) Metal, which is the best?
Killswitch Engage
Sum 41
there are Gay people in both rock and pop, which of these gayboys do you prefer?
Queen (Freddy Mercury)
George Michael
The 80's, a time when rock music was at its best, and pop was at an all time low, here is one of the best rock bands and one of the crappiest pop bands, which is better?
Duran Duran
The best white rapper Vs a white hip hop rapper, which is the best?
Zack de la rocha (Rage against the machine)
This poll was created on 2002-11-03 14:20:09 by Nemesiiiss