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GUYS: Explain Those Mixed Signals!

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For every girl who can't decipher what the freak THAT guy is going on about.


2% (3) Under 14
24% (26) 14-17
30% (33) 18-22
24% (26) 23-30
13% (15) 31-40
0% (1) 41-50
3% (4) Over 50

108 voters have answered this question.


4% (5) Black
64% (70) White
20% (22) Asian
1% (2) Indian
2% (3) Hispanic
0% (1) Middle Eastern
1% (2) Islander
0% (0) Native American
2% (3) Bi-Racial
0% (0) Other

108 voters have answered this question.

If I am super nice to a girl and then act aloof the next time we meet, it means...

12% (13) ...I was just trying to be friendly the first time, but I'm not into her at all. It isn't meant mali
8% (9) ...My friends gave me grief about liking her, so I'm trying to play down the rumours.
0% (0) ...I can't stand the cow.
43% (46) ...I am interested in her and now I'm freaking out thinking that I'll say something stupid.
5% (6) ...I felt awkward talking to her in the first place and we really don't have enough in common to for
30% (32) ...I like her, but I'm playing hard-to-get.

106 voters have answered this question.

Why do you flirt with girls that you are not interested in right under our noses?

8% (9) Wake up baby, it's THOSE girls I'm interested in, not you!
44% (45) I am not a flirt. I'm just friendly and it gets misinterpreted.
11% (12) To make you jealous because I know that you like me and I don't care.
20% (21) To make you jealous because I want to seem popular in your eyes.
14% (15) It's just a habit. I feel awful after I've done it, but I can't help myself.

102 voters have answered this question.

If you tell your best friend info about us, it means...

36% (38) ...nothing. Guys can talk too you know!
63% (65) ...I casually mention things about you because I'm into you.

103 voters have answered this question.

I'm never in a bad mood around the girl I fancy.

50% (52) True
50% (52) False

104 voters have answered this question.

I'm always super polite to a girl I fancy.

56% (59) True
43% (45) False

104 voters have answered this question.

What would it take for you to realise a girl actually fancied YOU?

61% (64) If she said it flat out - "I like you".
49% (51) If she asked me out.
35% (37) If she made suggestive comments.
55% (58) If she made lots of physical contact.
34% (36) If she asked for my phone number and email address.
37% (39) If she was always super nice and friendly towards me.
23% (24) If she remembered my birthday.

104 voters have answered this question.

What do you class as mixed signals from girls?

48% (49) Sometimes being cheerful and other times being downright chip-on-the-shoulder.
32% (33) Pretending that they have a full calendar if you even make the merest suggestion of a get-together.
46% (47) Flirting with other guys while you are there.
49% (50) Being lovely via email and text messages and cold to you in person.
29% (30) Never returning phone calls.

101 voters have answered this question.

Are you guilty of those mixed signals with girls that you like?

60% (61) Yes
39% (40) No

101 voters have answered this question.

A girl that you don't like asks you out and you are honestly busy, so you decline. Would you ever text message or call her out-of-the-blue?

35% (36) Yes
64% (65) No

101 voters have answered this question.

A girl that you do like asks you out and you are honestly busy, so you decline. In the future do you text or call her out-of-the-blue?

90% (92) Yes
9% (10) No

102 voters have answered this question.

You find it so much easier to talk/flirt with girls that you're not into.

68% (71) True
31% (33) False

104 voters have answered this question.

This poll has inspired you to get up off your butt and "carpe diem!" - You're now ready to kick those mixed signals you're sending off to the kerb and tell that lucky gal that you like her!

50% (52) YES, I'LL DO IT!
49% (51) NO WAY, ARE YOU CRAZY?!

103 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-09-12 11:01:54 by anya_ritcher
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