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Laughing Booth

A few years back, at a college in California, a group of seniors put together a booth at a Senior Fair. It consisted of an elevated 10 ft. square wood box in which three volunteers sat with only their feet sticking out. They were held in place by a set of padded "colonial" stocks on the inside. Meanwhile, fair goers passing by would purchase tickets to tickle the bare feet for so many minutes. The laughter from within the box was then amplified throughout the fair ground setting a fun mood. It raised more money than any other booth and was in constant use! It was also found out that it provided a great stress relief for both the ticklers and the ticklees and many psychological questions were raised. Help me out with your opinions!
Are you Male or Female?
How old are you?
40 or up
30 to 39
20 to 29
15 to 19
14 or younger
Would you ever volunteer to be in the booth as a ticklee?
Yes, Definitely, it would be fun!
Yes, with a little hesitancy
Are you crazy?!?
I'd die first!
What might your reaction be?
It would drive me absolutely crazy, but might be fun!
Hysterical laughter
Just giggles
Just grit my teeth and bear it
Wouldn't bother me
The booth also offered feathers and artist brushes to tickle with besides the fingers. Which would be the most ticklish?
One finger tip tracing lightly up and down the arch.
All the fingers scrabbling fast.
Feather tip.
Feather quill (sharp end)
Artist Brush
If you were passing buy the booth, would you stop and tickle someone's feet?
Would it matter if you knew who the person was?
I would be more likely to if I knew who the person was.
How would you tickle?
One finger lightly
All fingers scrabbling
Feather tip
Feather quill
Artist's brush
A combination of the above
Whatever got the best response
If the person was laughing hysterically would you be more likely to tickle longer or shorter?
Whats the absolute longest you could imagine tickling someone in the booth for.
Just a few seconds
Just a minute
A couple of minutes
More than five minutes
More than ten minutes
Fifteen to twenty
They would probably kill me later, but longer yet
The booth also allowed tickets to have someone "arrested" and put in the box. Would you do that to a friend as a joke?
Yes, definitely!
No, but I might an enemy!
If someone had you arrested and you had a chance to get them arrested, would you?
No, I'd get them back a different way
If yes...they tickle your feet for a full fifteen minutes, ow long do you tickle them back for?
Just a few minutes.
At least fifteen.
At least a half hour, they started it!
An hour and I'd enjoy every minute of it!
Do you think this would be a cool booth and something worth trying as a fund raiser for a school or other organization?
Yes, I might keep that in mind.
Did you like this survey?
Yes, I thought it was interesting.
No, not really.
Strange, but fun!
:) Right now, are your toes curled subconsciously at the thought of being in the booth?
Yes, I just realized it.
No, but they were earlier.
Not at all.
Yes, it tickles just thinking about it!
This poll was created on 2000-12-19 06:48:32 by MPC4128552618