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Shots: How far do you drop 'em

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When not given specific instruction, I'm unsure about how much I am expected to show. What do other guys do?

How do you feel when you know you are going to get a shot in the butt?

15% (20) Afraid of pain
24% (33) Embarrassed about being exposed
16% (22) Indifferent
13% (18) Pleased to be getting effective treatment
30% (40) Excited

133 voters have answered this question.

If you aren't instructed clearly, such as "I need to see a cheek," how far do you usually drop them

12% (17) As little as possible, a few inches of one cheek
5% (7) Most of one cheek and the top of the other
31% (42) Both cheeks to the bottom of the butt
15% (21) Mid-thigh
35% (48) To the floor

135 voters have answered this question.

Does the gender of the person giving the shot matter to you?

10% (14) A lot, I prefer another guy
38% (52) A lot, I prefer a woman
17% (24) Maybe a little, no big deal
33% (45) Not at all

135 voters have answered this question.

When in this situation are you troubled by uncertianty about how much you are expected to expose?

17% (23) Yes, I feel really worried
23% (31) A little bit but it's not a big deal
32% (43) Not at all, I don't think it matters
27% (36) No, I'll do what I want

133 voters have answered this question.

Will you leave a comment?

31% (37) Yes
68% (79) No

116 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-06-24 17:40:33 by James B
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