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X-FILES meets SURVIVOR / week 5

Hi all you X-Philes, this is an interesting poll for you! It's a blend of CBS's Survivor and FOX's X-Files! Now all you have to do is TO VOTE FOR THE CHARACTER YOU LIKE THE LEAST! The tribes are now merged and the new tribe is called : Vampire. Last week you chose to banned John Doggett of Vampire, What a surprise!! Thanks a lot and come back in a week, the poll is closing on Sunday in THREE WEEKS (this time, because of Christmas) at midnight. Here are people booted so far: Director Kersh, Diana Fowley Jeffery Spender, Alien bounty hunter, Tooms and Cigarette smoking man

Who whould be the second castaway to be banned from Vampire?

6% (8) Langly (lone gunmen)
27% (35) A.D. Skinner
3% (5) Fox Mulder
5% (7) Samantha Mulder
2% (3) John Byers (lone gunmen)
16% (21) Bill Mulder
3% (5) Dana Scully
29% (37) Alex Krychek
4% (6) Frohike (lone gunmen)

127 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2000-12-18 19:05:32 by MPC2929668665
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