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Most Touching Movies

Which of the following movies left you with a cozy, inspired feeling at its end? Sure, this poll is gushy...but you know you love it. ;-)
In the realm of kids' movies...which of these films left you with a positive, inspired feeling once it reached its end?
ET: The Extra-Terrestrial
The Iron Giant
The Lion King
Monsters, Inc.
Toy Story/Toy Story II
Where The Red Fern Grows
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory
The Wizard of Oz
In the realm of movies aimed at adults...which of these films left you with a positive, inspired feeling once it reached its end?
American Beauty
An Officer and a Gentleman
Doctor Zhivago
Field of Dreams
Forrest Gump
Do you feel like you can take on the world after seeing an inspiring movie?
Okay, you got me. I gush to my friends about how I'm going to conquer my fears, trust my heart, etc.
Okay, you got me. I gush to MYSELF about how I'm going to conquer my fears, trust my heart, etc...
I don't feel particularly inspired--I just know that I saw a great movie
I hate "inspirational" movies. Don't tell ME that I'm supposed to feel inspired, Hollywood.
This poll was created on 2002-10-06 18:08:59 by Subliminable