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Your Dream Girl (Guys Only)

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At this poll you will be able to pick your dream girl out of 3 girls. Each are diffrent in there own ways.

Hair, Style, color, and usual wear.

53% (200) Girl 1: Dirty Blonde Hair a little past shoulder length. usualy Down
33% (125) Girl 2: Brown Hair with red and Blonde highlights about chest length. usualy down or in a high pony-tail
13% (50) Girl 3: Brown, sometimes died red about chin length usualy down.

375 voters have answered this question.


34% (130) Girl 1:Skinny, hard abs, long legs average arms.
20% (78) Girl 2:Average, Buff but long arms and legs.
44% (167) Girl 3:Average, on the skinny side strong legs.

375 voters have answered this question.


22% (82) Girl 1:Looks good in a lot but only wears jeans and a tee shirt.
69% (260) Girl 2:looks good in a lot too, but wears skirts, jeans, tee shirts, sweats... everything
8% (30) Girl 3:looks good in long skirts and jeans.

372 voters have answered this question.


10% (39) Girl 1:Horseback, Hockey
59% (220) Girl 2:Cheerleading, Basketball, Hockey, Football, Soccer, and Lax
30% (112) Girl 3:Dance, and Hockey

371 voters have answered this question.

In One Word

9% (34) Girl 1: Perrinoyed
82% (309) Girl 2: Outgoing
8% (32) Girl 3: Evil

375 voters have answered this question.


31% (116) Girl 1:Can get perinoyed, but loves having fun and partying, smart, will defend her friends at the drop of her union cavery hat.
48% (179) Girl 2: outgoing, loves to have fun, can get mad and in your face, smart, can and will turn things into a game, Has to be the best or close to it, Thinks she has to keep going even with broken bones.
19% (71) Girl 3: Can get angry easy, but loves her friends a lot!, will party like its 1999 but also has a serious side, smart.

366 voters have answered this question.


30% (115) Girl 1: Mostly A's but not genious IQ 130
44% (164) Girl 2: Mostly A's, some B's and maybe 1 C IQ 144
24% (92) Girl 3: Mostly A's and B's IQ 132

371 voters have answered this question.

Funny Or Serious

47% (173) Girl 1: Funny but serious
31% (114) Girl 2: Frickin Halarious!!! but has serious moments
21% (79) Girl 3: Funny really funny, has some serious moments

366 voters have answered this question.

More Guy or Girl Friends?

15% (55) Girl 1: More guy friends.. but getting more girls
14% (52) Girl 2: Its a blend.. mostly guys though
70% (256) Girl 3: Right Down The middle

363 voters have answered this question.


42% (147) Girl 1: Cathlic
34% (122) Girl 2: Doesn't know, thinking about Buddism and Christianity
23% (81) Girl 3: None also thinking about Buddism

350 voters have answered this question.

Free Time

32% (116) Girl 1: having partys, playing w/wood, Playing Video games, hangin, on the PC and w/ Friends
53% (193) Girl 2: Going to partys, making things out of wood, shopping, playing video games, computer programming, working on cheerleading, haning w/ friends, reading
13% (49) Girl 3: Plotting an attack to take over the world, hanging w/ friends, going to partys, playing Guitar Hero, and going on the PC

358 voters have answered this question.


46% (172) Girl 1: never Had one
44% (162) Girl 2: Had some short ones and 1 long one
8% (32) Girl 3: 1 LONG relationship

366 voters have answered this question.

How about flirting?

21% (77) Girl 1: Doesn't really know how to flirt
39% (143) Girl 2: Flirt-a-holic!!!
39% (142) Girl 3: Doesn't do that much flirting

362 voters have answered this question.

Last Question! Who would you date?

30% (102) Girl 1
58% (197) Girl 2
11% (38) Girl 3

337 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-07-07 15:39:52 by Spamn
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