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Piggy Gang

I wanted to do a quiz thing, but this'll have to do for now...
What would u do if u found a Harry Potter book??
Read it
Read it at least 10 times and then attempt to write it up on the computer
Stare at it wondering what the hell its doing there
Read it, and then dance about with joy afterwards.
What do you like to do after school?
Stay after school in the library until they carry you off screaming.
Go dancing
Look after your brothers and sisters
Go home...simply go home.
Run out like a madman, rushing to get to the bus.
Your favourite subjects at school are:
Art and English
Music and R.E.
NOTHING i hate school.
English, R.e. and Music
I don't mind anything
What kind of music do you like?
Rock man!!!
nothing... i like silence
Lost prophets!!
What would you do with a lords of the ring book???
Read it, love it, read it again
read it and enjoy for a mintue or 2 then go eat bread/practice the splits.
Scream, go hysterical, run around pulling your hair
nothing could sell it or something,
burn it. The world could do saving right now.
This poll was created on 2002-10-28 18:11:01 by smileygirlyuk