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Mental Illness and Voting

This poll is brought to you by sacraMENTAL, makers of Catholic, mental health, and Middle East commentary brought daily to the comfort of your habitat.
In a race for national office where all other factors are equal, would you vote for a candidate who had been diagnosed with depression?
Yes, I would definitely vote for the candidate.
The diagnosis would not affect my vote.
I might not vote for the candidate.
I definitely would not vote for the candidate.
No opinion
Do you believe that people with mood disorders are stable enough to hold positions of authority in fields like law enforcement and government?
Yes, I believe they are stable enough.
I believe they are sometimes stable enough.
No, I do not believe they are stable enough.
No opinion
Do you believe that people who seek an elective office should be required to publicly disclose a diagnosis of mental illness?
Sometimes, depending on the type of illness.
No opinion.
Do you or someone you know have a mental illness?
Not sure.
Do you believe that stigma is a problem for people who have mental illness?
It is a big problem.
It is a problem, but not a big problem.
It is not a problem.
It exists but people shouldn't be hurt by it.
No opinion.
This poll was created on 2002-10-14 03:51:23 by The Lighthouse