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Movie Heros

The people in Hollywood go to great lengths to portray anyone but a white male as the hero.
The chief of police is generally
Black male
Black female
Kids are always portrayed as
Just kids
Much smarter than adults
Integral to solving crime/getting out of jam
The chief scientist is
A woman
A black woman
A black man
A homosexual
In a wheelchair
All of the above
Love scenes are
Between members of the same race
Almost always interracial
Interracial and gay
At least one happy homosexual couple
White males are generally portrayed as
Bumbling idiots
Low class dolts
In a science fiction thriller
Women are always the bravest
Black males die, but usually selflessly
Blacks can make the computer dance
White men are cowering blobs of worthless jello
By far, the best fighters are
Black men
Black women
All of the above
This poll was created on 2002-12-01 19:26:36 by depollster