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User: Aquila


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Posted in Physical Exam Embarrassment on 2015-08-12 10:58:47

PUT TO SLEEP by injection or otherwise and then gone trough a secret medical procedure

This is something happening around the World. When waking up several hours later, you have symptoms that something has been done to you secretly, or downright signs of surgery been done on various parts of the body. Especially children and teens have this kind of experience.

Please take this poll to tell about your experience, or tell about it as a raply here, or both. The poll is made in a way to trigger memories that you nearly have forgotten.


The poll has a message board where you can reads tories already obtained.


Posted in Airport Security and Kids6 on 2015-08-12 09:02:11

PUT TO SLEEP by injection or otherwise and then gone trough a secret medical procedure

This is something happening around the World. When waking up several hours later, you have symptoms that something has been done to you secretly, or downright signs of surgery been done on various parts of the body. Especially children and teens have this kind of experience.

Please take this poll to tell about your experience, or tell about it as a raply here, or both. The poll is made in a way to trigger memories that you nearly have forgotten.


The poll has a message board where you can reads tories already obtained.


I am a man so, an answering about my own experiences as a boy is not relevant. The only thing I will say, is that I experienced something very similar with my parents. But there is a couple of particular aspects I will point to, aspects that females I have conversed with also tell about.

  • I had the specific feeling that my parent did not do these exams of their own, but that they coordinated what they did with the health authorities through meetings at the school. Furthermore I had the impression that my parents attended some education about how to examine me and how to report.

-The exams were mostly done late in the evening after I had gone to bed, and had fallen asleep. I usually woke up, but was so sleepy that I did not bother very much with what they did. I think I was given some sedative medication late in the evening in the milk/tea I got to drink.

-As far as I remember, they also regularly injected some kind of medicine into my urethra, and from conversation with other children, girls and boys, I had the impression that it was to keep us healthy.

I was a little amberrassed, so I never spoke withy pants about it, but just thought this was something regularly done to both boys and girls. But when other children, mostly girls, tended to bring such thing up in a conversation, I always listened eagerly.

I would suggest that these aspects are investigated further by follow up pols.

Posted in Strange rules of a dance school? on 2014-12-07 16:17:26

Many children, teens and adults experience being subjected to medical exams or procedures in a secret or unexpected manner.

I have learned from ballet students, that they may be subjected to unexpected or secret medical exams in massage rooms or other special rooms at ballet school

Also is it very common to detect something additional have been done during dental work, tonsillectomy, eartube procedure or other small procedures.

Others have experienced being taken to doctor, a medical center or hospital without any explanation, or with a dummy explanation, then being put to sleep, and when waking up, understanding that something major have been done.

I have made a poll about such experiences. Please go here to take the poll or read about the results:


It would also be fine if you can tell about your experience in this thread.

Posted in Scandinavia, which is your favourite? on 2014-05-25 18:47:51

Do You Plan to Work and Live in Norway - Think Twise

If you move to Norway permanently or for a longer time to live and work, you will probably become deeply disappointed. Norway is not that happy paradize it has lead people to believe, and the counbtfry is in fact quite dangerous for peoples health and life. Here are the plain facts:

Everything in Norway is horribly expensive, both alimentary goods, electricity, alcohol, tobaco, dental care, transportation, cars and homes. Even though Norwegians earn quite high saleries, the prizes are so high that a Norwegian gets far less for his salery than an avarage western European. The saleries for ordinary people are not high enough to pay for necessary home and living for very many. The prizes are also steadily increasing more than the vages.

Many Norwegians still seem to have a high living standard. That is because in steadily higher degree Norwegians live on borrowed money. Norwegians have the highest avarage dept in the whole World in fact, and most Norwegians will not be able to manage that dept in length. For the time being there is a situation where many Norwegians pay down their main mortgage by taking up new dept.

The weather in Norway is nearly always unpleasant, most often too cold, rainy and misty, but sometimes too dry and hot. The weather is constantly changing and are often directly hazarious.

Norwagian roads are in bad condition, and togeather with the ever changing weather, it is quite dangerous to travel on Norwagian roads, and actually in any season.

Norway have a horribly high frequency of fatal incidents, not only road accidents, but also fires, shipwrecks, explosions, snow avalanches, soil avalanches, people freezing to death and anything else you can name. When an accident happens, the resque team is often extremely late and do a poor work.

Norway has a quite high frequency of violence, even though the pattern is different from the pattern is different in most other countries, and the violence often occur out of the blue, so it is difficult to prevent it. The murder orgy of Ander Behring Breivik has become legendary, but his actions are not unique, although they are on the extremity top.

Norwegian hospitals are not safe. The treatment you get in Norweghian hospitals is generally of bad quality, and many get hurt or die due to treatment errors. The avarage technical standard in Norwegian hospitals is also low, and even at those places where the standrd looks good, the outcome of treatment is still of law quality.

Norway have a bad tradition of using patients, and most often children, as guinea pigs in medical experiments, or as medical training objects, and often secretly. Often this is done in coorperation with international pharmacological companies or foreign universities. American universities and companies have a tradition of going to Norway for access to guinea pigs for experiments that they are not allowed to perform in USA.

The food you get in Norwegian stores is generally of bad quality and has a high concentration of pollution, pesticides and microbes, and food you see in the stores are generally of old date and often halfly rotten. Food producents tend to export everything of good quality, and only sell the junk versions inside Norway.

Norwegian populated areas are generally higly polluted and often by chemicals and particles that are higly hazardious for the health.

The Norwegian population, contrary to the general belief, has a generally low health standard. The frequency of allergies, cancers, rheumatic diseases, heart diseae and chronic infections are allarmingly high. Much of this is related to pollution, bad food quality and the climate, but much also seems to be caused by side effects of medical care.

Norway have an aggresive and fanatical child protection agency that work according to very narrow normality schemes, and snap away children from any family that do not conform rigidly to that scheme. Of cource this system has a limited capacity, so they do not manage to take all children they want to take, but foreign families are in special danger.

Norway is plagued by a high number of fanatical individual and also Norwegian authorities like teachers, doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, priests, police and other officials often work out of some fanatical principle. Officials dealing with children are especially of the fanatical kind. They define for example child sexual abuse fanatically wide. If you give your child a kiss or hug it somewhat thightly, and someone sees it, you are likely to be reported, and the child to be snapped away from you.