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User: I am Tobias


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Posted in high school locker rooms (boys only) on 2008-07-19 16:25:13


Posted in Short shorts on men on 2008-07-19 16:23:38


Posted in Teen Penis: How Much Do You Know About Your Friend? on 2008-07-19 16:23:11


Posted in Boys in ballet on 2008-07-18 02:18:35

I took ballet for a few years when I was younger. I guess from when I was about 8 to about 13. I am 15 now. For the shows I performed in I had to wear the tights and such. I remember very clearly my last show when I was 13. I had been through a lot of puberty since the previous show when I was 12. I remember every year when we would get our outfits, some of the guys would groan at having to wear tights and dance belts underneath to help keep everything in place. I had never liked wearing the dance belt because I felt that it was too restricting wearing it AND tights, so for my last show, I didn't wear my belt. BIG mistake. Right before I went onstage, my dance partner (a girl) said that she could see my pen!s very clearly through the material of the tights. I couldn't do anything about it because we were practically making our entrance when she told me. I got nervous even though I knew I had something to be proud of since having been through puberty. Well, during the course of the dance, I thought I heard some chuckles from the audience but I tried to ignore them. It was hard to ignore them, though, when I tossed my partner into the air and rather than planting my arms on her hips when she landed, I accidently cupped her breats. I started springing to life and my bulge became bigger and more noticeable, and embarrisngly enough, the material became more see through. The audience went crazy! I finished the dance, but the second it was over, I bolted offstage and changed and hd backstage until most of the audience had left. I was SOOO embarrssed!

Posted in guys sleeping on 2008-07-16 03:26:58
