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User: lovetodoit


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Posted in your worst fight on 2009-05-03 13:15:59

I used to get into fights all the time. All of us were rich kid who wore good clothes, Usually Suits and Ties. I would get into about 50 fights a year, I only won about 15 of them but they were fun and turned me on. Well one day when I was 22 I saw this "Kid" who was very small looking (maybe 100 pounds, I was 125 pounds) , wearing a real good Suit and Tie, I really thought he would look cool beaten up in that suit, I had a big hard on and went up to him as he walked away from the area. I went to him and bumped into him and askek him if he had a problem. he said no, Then I called him a weak wimp. and he said whatever, i then pushed him in his shoulder and asked him if he thought he could take me. and he said I don't know. I then said lets go and he said no, I then grabbed him around his neck to take him down and at first he really didn't resist so I was on top. I then hit him win the gut, he then escaped and got up. I then tried to take him down again and he then hit me one time in the gut, then one punch in the ribs and a right cross to my jaw and I was knocked out cold by 3 of the hardest punches I ever felt. It turned out that this "Kid" was a world class jockey that was well known at the time , His arms were about 4 inches bigger than mine.

Posted in watching guys fight (girls only please) on 2008-11-09 18:14:02

I want to have sex with you . JUst last night I went to 2, 18 year olds in Suits and ties and told them I would have unprotected sex with the winner if they fought to a total knockout. Well the fight lasted about 10 minutes and i had sex with the winner right there next to the losers knocked out body.

Posted in guys getting beat up or unable to lift something on 2008-11-09 18:08:23

I like haveing sex with smaller weak guys with just a little bit of muscle. I do it while I am in a tight White Dress and like having a guy in a good suit and tie do me while we both have our clothes still on.