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User: skirtchaser19


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Imagine this for a moment...

if you have the intellect to do so.

Imagine my culture Demanded I put my childs ear drum OUT FOR GOODNESS SAKES

So... hmmn He wouldnt hear the whispers of evil spirits...

do you think that would fly?


The foreskin is a irreplacable part of male sexuality

and it nearly destroyed my family.

The foreskin is also the ONLY Part of the human body that can be removed when their is NOTHING the $%!@ wrong with it.

go on pretend to intellectualy superiority say were using INcendiary terminology

but look up the definition of the word mutilate


GEE a little something called CHOICE.

if it takes 2 weeks to recover at least it was his chioce

I felt as if I had been raped because I had no choice.

Posted in Will USA Survive the Century on 2007-09-05 15:46:08

only to the eyes of the mentally infirm.

Posted in Are girls superior to boys? on 2007-05-11 17:38:21

Quite simple my dear watson...

Girls Vagina's arent regularly brutally, savagely, pointelss and EVILLY Mutilate, for reasons, of culture religion, "It was done to me, and im an idiot, so Im doing it to my kid" And half formed health reasons.

but did you know... that in the african countrys where its practiced they HONESTLY THINK that if a woman doesnt get clidictomy, she'll get worms in her vagina...

Posted in High school: Looking up skirts on 2007-03-16 18:18:44

should be have to wear short skirt (thigh lenght or shorter) and should have to have their legs 90 degree's apart... and violating this should be an automatic spanking in class.

Posted in Should Males Be Required to Pee Sitting Down? on 2007-03-05 21:38:41

either that or its a bad joke...