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User: schmooglie


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Posted in Best Anime! on 2004-10-15 12:59:09

I think if you want to make a poll for the best anime you need to add the most popular and/or every one in existance because not every person thinks your choices rank as the top best.

Posted in Dream Boy... on 2004-10-12 22:53:42

I agree :P ========== In Reply To ==========

1) Johnny Depp :)
Posted in Randomness 3 on 2004-09-20 21:44:12

My age isn't up there. I am 17 and there are not enough questions for girls to answer.

Posted in What's your preferance? (for girls) on 2004-09-19 22:28:16

I have an idea, instead of listing some of the states, list them all. Or just list the basic countries most people are from. If you can't remember all the states here they are in alphabetical order: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentuckey, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachussetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virgina, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

Posted in Homosexual Marriage on 2004-08-30 22:38:28

This is what I don't understand. Why are most straight people against gay/lesbian marriages? Homosexuals aren't hurting you or protesting against your right to marry so what's your deal with protesting against their rights? What the hell do you care!? You're not homsexual so mind your own business. As long as they aren't hurting me or anyone else then there's not a problem. Yes, it's possible to love someone of the same sex, so if they are happy then why take away something that's just as beautiful and wonderful as your right to a straight marriage? And as for it "goes against your religion" oh well. They believe in something different; get over it! Just because it's different doesn't mean it's wrong. Maybe if you stopped to think once in a while you could in fact be the one who's wrong. You are totally on crack! You "believe" that a child would be confused by a having two moms or two dads, but studies show that a child can grow up and be perfectly happy with two moms or two dads. This also has no effect on whether or not the child is gay or straight either. ========== In Reply To ========== "NO" TO SAME SEX 'MARRIAGE' WHY NOT SAME SEX PARTNERS?

By: Gordon Bishop

The word "marriage" means man and woman. Husband and wife. Mother and Father.

Not, man and man, woman and woman, or mother and mother, or father and father.

The dictionary clearly defines what "marriage" means going back to the Old Testament more than 2,000 years ago.

My latest Webster’s Dictionary on my desk defines "marriage" as:

"To unite, take, or give in wedlock. To enter into matrimony. Marriage. The legal union of husband and wife. The ceremony, civil or religious, by which two people of opposite sex become husband and wife."

Note: That’s from my own latest edition of Webster’s Dictionary (1997), when same-sex partners were already campaigning for "same sex marriage."

Our predominately Judeo-Christian society in America, greatly influenced by the Old and New Testatments (the Bible), will not sanction "same sex marriage."

But the in-your-face homosexual community will do everything it can to get the State Supreme Courts, or the United States Supreme Court, to legalize "same sex marriage."

For openers, all dictionaries, whether in English or some other language, will have to redefine the meaning of "marriage."

The idea of marriage in a society emerged thousands of years ago to establish "families" to raise their offspring.

Only a man and woman can produce a child.

Two women can’t create life, nor can two men.

It takes a woman’s egg and a man’s sperm to create life.

Today’s technology, however, can manipulate the natural order of things by allowing lesbians to be impregnated with a man’s sperm.

On the other hand, two men can take their sperm and find a woman who will make a baby for them.

This presents a problem for the offspring of these technological arrangements.

Who is the mother and who is the father?

Marriage used to mean "family."

That too will have be re-defined to include two women partners, or two men partners, if the homosexual community wins its "same sex marriage" battle in the courts or state legislatures.

I believe, socially and spiritually, that a child raised by two "mommies" or two "daddies" is unnatural and confusing to the child.

I’ve known many homosexuals over the years in the entertainment industry. When I started out as a reporter for the North Jersey Herald-News in 1959, I became that paper’s first drama and movie critic.

In those days, almost all homosexuals were in the "closet." But within the entertainment and news industries, we knew who was "straight" or "gay" or "lesbian." I knew movie star Rock Hudson was a homosexual back in 1959. It was common knowledge in the "show biz" world.

When Hudson finally died of aids in 1983, the whole world knew. It was headlines on the front page of just about every newspaper and magazine.

Today, the activist homosexual community is in your face, flaunting their "lifestyle" and demanding not only acceptance, but also approval of their chosen lifestyle.

I personally don’t care what these people do in the privacy of their own homes or wherever they reside. But when they go public and demand new laws approving their behavior in the public arena, that’s crossing the line, especially when they demand that society approves of "same-sex marriage."

I don’t care what these people do privately. But I do care about the "offspring" of such marriages. American culture is not ready for such a massive transformation of the "family."


"No" to same-sex marriage!