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User: Maxwell6656


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Posted in Nappies when your sick (kids) on 2022-01-19 12:22:16

This is why I use Renty, which has a Google rating for every car. According to the reviews of previous clients, I rented an excellent Hyundai Veloster in Sharjah https://renty.ae/cars/hyundai-veloster and also left my feedback on the service for other users.

Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2021-12-12 19:05:09

I also pass the IQ test once a year https://iq-global-test.com/ And I am pleasantly surprised that my results are either stable or improving every year. It is also a good workout for the brain.

Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2021-10-19 12:55:23

There have been a few threads about service dogs lately but I wanted advice and hoped some of the more experienced handlers here might be able to help. If this is a little disjointed I apologize, sometimes my thoughts don't connect like they used to.

I have a complex series of diagnoses, both psychiatric and neurological. I have found over the years that though medication and therapy help to some degree my life is limited more than I would like. I think my anxiety is probably the most limiting, it causes an aggravation of my other conditions and often prevents me from leaving the house. I have spoken with my therapist and she feels that a service dog could help me significantly as just having a dog with me is helpful. I have done the research and have a general understanding of the laws.

So my first thought was I would love to train Remus. He is my velcro dog, always with me and in tune with me. He knows if I am starting to panic and cues in to "check up" and soothe me. Unfortunately he just doesn't have a suitable temperament. He lacks focus and is leash reactive. There is just no way he would ever be able to work in public. He also has a hard time with task training, if he thinks something is stupid he just won't do it.

I decided I would work with Freyja. She is a sweet, even tempered dog. I would say she is a bit soft which can make her difficult to train but she loves to please and she is biddable. At 6months I have some concerns about her suitability. Really it is little things that may add up and this is where I wanted advice.

1) she ignores me unless we are training, playing or I am feeding her. She is obsessed with my hubby, she just adores him. He does his best to ignore her and he never gives her rewards but she is still completely smitten with him. I need a working partner, a dog that is going to alert to my changing moods, notice oncoming panic attacks and possibly note if I start to have a seizure. A dog that is focused on my husband isn't going to work.

2) she is a social butterfly. I'm not saying it is bad that she likes people but she is over the top in love with people. I take her out at least 3 times a week to places where there are many people (plus walking every day) trying to train her to not react to people but she gets so excited she does flips when she sees them. I have worked on training her what I want to do, she just gets too excited. I am afraid she will never reach the point where she doesn't want to meet every human she sees and then jump on them and love them (it doesn't help that people keep saying "oh my husky does this too, you just can't train it out of them").

3) she is part husky. This is really a tiny tiny piece of my worry. She is GSD x husky, I have no real reason to believe I should worry about this but I see the prey drive starting (she just noticed birds and squirrels) and I know that she is not even close to an adult/set in her temperament yet.

I know no one can truly evaluate my dog over the internet, I guess I'm just looking for some advice. Any thoughts would be helpful. I second, third, fourth, and hundredth guess myself.

I have spent a good bit of time lately considering what I will do if she washes out. Obviously she is here for life, we adore her. I don't know how long to keep working before I decide it is futile and wash her out. What age would you usually know?

If I wash her out do I choose another puppy or a young adult? It was easy this time I just tried with dogs we already had. Next time I will have to be picky. If I take on another dog I need a dog that has the very best chance of working out. What breed would be best? Standard Poodle, Doberman, GSD, Pit Bull? I need a dog that can handle alerting to panic attacks, manage crowds, alert for medication, possibly alert for seizures, guide me if I have a panic attack/SPD issue, and possibly some light counter balance as my meds can make me dizzy. So a larger dog is better.

Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2021-09-30 12:37:29

I think that it is so convenient to buy everything online and you should not have to spend your time for this. My favourite online market is https://zakupka.com/ because there is a huge amount of different goods and clothing.

Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2021-09-30 12:36:10

I am a regular customer of the website https://satom.ru/ so I can easily have anything I want. And it is so simple yo have such a big market in my pocket.