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User: Adrian Rapazzini


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Posted in Oklahoma Bombing on 2006-06-13 23:43:41

Terrorist Motel

As I mentioned in my previous messages, the Cactus Motel was where the American/Iraqi terrorists made their final preparations for the Oklahoma massacre.

In August 2001, a month before 9/11, Mohammed Atta, Marwan Al-Sheri, and Zacarias Moussaoui, three of the 9/11 hijackers, stayed at the Cactus Motel. The men were attending flight schools in Norman, Oklahoma to prepare for the 9/11 attacks. Atta stayed in Room 105, the same room where Timothy McVeigh and the Iraqi soldier named Mohammed stayed in. The motel witnesses recognized the photos of Atta and Al-Shehri. Atta was the pilot who crashed American Airlines Flight 11 into the North Tower and Al-Shehri was the pilot who crashed United Airlines Flight 175 into the South Tower. Moussaoui was sentenced to life in prison for his involvement in the attacks. He didn't get to participate in the suicide hijackings.

The motel owner and staff witnessed two final planning stages for two of the bloodiest and deadliest terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. Two times they witnessed terrorists bring jihad to America.

Posted in Politics, Terrorism & The War on 2006-06-13 21:32:44

Anti-American, Middle Eastern Terrorist Attacks from 1983-2001

Here is the reason America is fighting the war on terror. How many more terrorist attacks were going to happen if the Bush administration didn't take action after 9/11.

April 18, 1983: Suicide truck bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon. 63 killed. 17 were Americans.

October 23, 1983: Suicide truck bombing of the U.S. Marine Barracks in Lebanon. 241 Americans killed.

December 12, 1983: Truck bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait. 5 killed. None were Americans.

September 20, 1984: Truck bombing of the U.S. Embassy in East Lebanon. 24 killed. 2 were Americans.

December 3, 1984: Hijacking of Kuwait Airways Flight 221. 2 Americans killed.

June 14, 1985: Hijacking of TWA Flight 847. 1 American killed.

October 7, 1985: Hijacking of the Achille Lauro cruise ship. 1 American killed.

December 18, 1985: Bombings of the airports in Rome and Vienna. 20 killed. 5 were Americans.

April 2, 1986: Bombing of TWA Flight 840. 4 Americans killed.

April 4, 1986: Bombing of the LaBelle Discotheque in Berlin. 3 killed. 2 were Americans.

December 21, 1988: Bombing Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. 270 killed. 189 were Americans.

February 26, 1993: Truck bombing of the World Trade Center in New York. 6 Americans killed.

April 19, 1995: Truck bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. 168 Americans killed.

November 13, 1995: Truck bombing of the U.S. military complex in Saudi Arabia. 7 killed. 5 were Americans.

June 25, 1996: Suicide truck bombing of the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia. 20 killed. 19 were Americans.

August 7, 1998: Truck bombings of the U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. 235 killed. 12 were Americans.

October 12, 2000: Suicide boat bombing of the U.S.S. Cole in Yemen. 17 Americans killed.

September 11, 2001: Suicide airplane bombings of the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in D.C. 2,967 Americans killed.

Posted in Oklahoma Bombing on 2006-06-08 18:12:54

Pretty much everyone knows that Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were anti-government militants who were connected to white supremacist militia groups. But here is the story of how they worked with Middle Eastern terrorists to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. This research comes from a book titled The Third Terrorist: The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma Bombing written by Jayna Davis whose website is jaynadavis.com.

On February 27, 1995, the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism issued a warning that an "Iran sponsored Islamic attack" on U.S. soil would soon take place. Washington D.C. was #1 on the list. The warning was distributed to the FBI and in response, security was beefed up in the nation's capital, so the focus shifted from D.C. to America's heartland.

On March 3, 1995, the Task Force issued an updated warning that predicted the terrorists now planned to strike in the heart of America. 12 cities were placed on the target list. Oklahoma City was #1 on the list. The Task Force also learned that the Middle Eastern terrorists had recruited two non-Arabs to carry out the bombing of an American federal building.

Immediately after the bombing on April 19, the FBI issued an APB (All Points Bulletin) for Middle Eastern suspects who were seen fleeing the Murrah building in a brown Chevy pickup moments before the blast. Within hours and without explanation, the FBI ordered law enforcement officials to cancel the APB issued that morning for foreign terrorists.

But the FBI continued to search for Middle Eastern suspects. Agents detained and interrogated several suspects then released them without explanation. Abraham Ahmad, a Jordanian national, was detained at the O'Hare Airport in Chicago for carrying bomb making material in his luggage and wearing a blue jogging suit, the same suit worn by one of the Middle Eastern males fleeing the Murrah building. Ahmad was questioned then released.

Within 48 hours, the focus of the investigation shifted from international to domestic terrorism. Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were arrested and charged with the bombing. McVeigh and Nichols were publicly labeled as ex-military buddies who later became anti-government extremists after the events Ruby Ridge and Waco. It was said that they became associated with the anti-government, white supremacist militia movement. The government's conclusion was that McVeigh was the mastermind and Nichols was his only accomplice and they single handedly pulled off what was at the time the largest terrorist attack in American history. McVeigh was executed for his role in the bombing and Nichols was sentenced to life in prison. But one question remains, were there others involved? According to investigative journalist Jayna Davis, yes. She was not satisfied with the government's conclusion and decided to keep investigating the bombing even after McVeigh and Nichols were convicted. She soon discovered that a Middle Eastern terrorist cell has and continues to operate in Oklahoma City only a few miles from where the Murrah building once stood. Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Qaeda and Iraqi terrorists have made Oklahoma City their home for many years.

Several American employees at a local property management company claimed they saw a brown Chevy pickup, which matched the getaway vehicle pursued by law enforcement, parked outside the business office in the days before the bombing. The owner of the company was a Palestinian immigrant who had pleaded guilty to insurance fraud in 1991 and served time in prison. The FBI suspected the owner of having connections to a terrorist group called the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization).

Six months before the bombing, the business owner hired a group of Iraqi immigrants to do maintenance work at his low income rental houses. On April 19, several witnesses watched as their Middle Eastern co-workers cheered after hearing the first radio broadcasts that Islamic terrorists had claimed responsibility for the attack on the Murrah building. The men pledged their allegiance to Saddam Hussein. These Iraqi immigrants were soldiers who served and fought in the Republican Guard, the Iraqi military. They had also fought in the Gulf War. The company secretary told the FBI that she saw the Palestinian owner's business associate, Abraham Ahmad, at the office in a yellow car similar to the yellow Mercury Marquis that was driven by Timothy McVeigh when he was arrested. She also observed Ahmad in the driver's seat of a brown Chevy pickup.

The Iraqi soldier with the most focus in Davis' investigation is Hussain Al-Hussaini who was, according to Davis, the ringleader of the Iraqi terrorist group in Oklahoma City. Three witnesses, Eldon Elliott, owner of Elliott's Body Shop in Junction City, Kansas, and his two employees, Vicki Beamer and Tom Kessinger, said that on April 17, McVeigh came in to rent the Ryder truck under the alias "Robert Kling". They said that a second man was with McVeigh who they identified as Middle Eastern with a tattoo on his upper left arm. Al-Hussaini has a tattoo that symbolizes the Republican Guard. After the bombing, the FBI released sketches of John Doe 1 and John Doe 2 based on the witness descriptions. John Doe 1 turned out to be McVeigh. John Doe 2 became the focus of an intense manhunt until a month later when the FBI announced that John Doe 2 never existed. But Jayna Davis believes Hussain Al-Hussaini is John Doe 2.

Davis interviewed dozens of witnesses who found themselves witnesses to various stages of a Middle Eastern terrorist plot to murder more Americans then the total number of soldiers who died on the battlefields of the Gulf War.

On April 15, a patron and a bartender at a nightclub in Oklahoma City saw McVeigh and Al-Hussaini drinking beer together.

On April 18, an Oklahoma City gas station attendant said Al-Hussaini was the customer who paid $100 cash for diesel fuel. The witness remembered how Al-Hussaini disappeared from his view behind the rear carraige of the Ryder truck while pumping the gas.

Shortly before daybreak on April 19, three joggers stopped to discuss their curiosity about a Middle Eastern man running at a breathless pace from the Murrah building. The trio noticed the man glancing at his watch as though he were timing his pace. The joggers identified the man as Al-Hussaini.

Mike Moroz, a worker at Johnny's Tire Store said that about 8:30 a.m., McVeigh pulled up in a Ryder truck. When Moroz approached the truck, McVeigh asked for directions to 5th and Harvey Streets where the federal building was located. Moroz remembered a stocky, dark-haired man sitting next to McVeigh in the passenger seat of the truck. Moroz named Al-Hussaini as McVeigh's Middle Eastern passenger.

At 8:45 a.m., a man was sitting in his pickup outside the post office located one block west of the Murrah building. He observed a Ryder truck parked across the street. Two men, one of whom he identified as McVeigh, were talking behind the truck. The witness recalled a third man who resembled the sketch of John Doe 2 sitting in the passenger seat of the truck. He noticed a yellow Mercury Marquis parked several spaces in front of the truck. He then entered the post office, emerging five minutes later to find the Ryder truck was parked in front of the Murrah building and McVeigh exited the driver's side and jogged across the street to the yellow Marquis. The witness also saw a brown Chevy pickup parked close to the entrance of the Social Security office.

Daina Bradley, a customer at the Social Security office, who was critically wounded in the blast, was standing 12 feet away when the Ryder truck pulled up. She observed a "foreign looking man" exit the passenger side of the truck and walked to the back of the truck to do something then walked back to the front while cautiously looking at his surroundings. She positively identified Al-Hussaini as the man she witnessed getting out of the Ryder truck and making a swift getaway towards a brown Chevy pickup.

An employee who worked in the office building north of the Murrah building, walked outside for his morning work break. He observed a yellow Marquis with a dark-haired driver parked in the lot adjacent to 5th Street. Minutes later, the witness was startled by the Marquis speeding directly toward him. Suddenly, the dark-haired man was sitting in the passenger seat next to a Caucasian man as the driver turned east and shot up the alley. The witness said the man behind the wheel was Timothy McVeigh but he wasn't alone. The same dark-haired man was in the passenger seat.

At 9:00 a.m., an employee entered the Journal Record basement and resumed running the printing presses. Without warning, an explosive force knocked him to the floor. The man ran to the intersections of 6th and Harvey Streets and saw a Middle Eastern man smiling at the burning Murrah building.

Manual Acosta, a Mexican migrant, was walking toward downtown when he noticed a brown Chevy pickup parked close to the Murrah building. He observed a Middle Eastern man waving a hand signal to another Middle Eastern man who was standing on the north side of the Murrah building. Seconds later, both men began running fast towards the brown Chevy pickup and sped away. Acosta barely escaped death when the bomb went off. He identified one of the Middle Eastern males wearing a blue jogging suit and having gray hair in his beard. Abraham Ahmad had gary hair in his beard along with the blue jogging suit he wore when he was detained.

At 9:03 a.m., a woman named Kay Heron was nearly run over by a brown Chevy pickup which matched the getaway vehicle pursued by the FBI. She could not forget the driver's menacing, angry stare as the truck came around the corner, coming close to where she was stepping off the curb. A few blocks north, traffic had come to a standstill with black smoke and fire coming from the Murrah building mesmerizing motorists and pedestrians. Only one vehicle was moving, a brown Chevy pickup and Kay locked eyes with the driver. She identified Hussain Al-Hussaini as the driver of that vehicle as it sped away from downtown seconds after the blast.

On April 27, 1995, the FBI seized a brown Chevy pickup after Oklahoma City police towed the abandoned truck from a local apartment complex. Law enforcement suspected it was the same brown Chevy pickup that was seen fleeing the Murrah building with Middle Eastern suspects. The pickup had been stripped of its license plate, inspection tag and all its vehicle identification numbers. An FBI agent was assigned to investigate the truck. One witness told the agent that she saw the driver leave the truck at the complex. She identified the man as Hussain Al-Hussaini.

The Cactus Motel is located off a major interstate near downtown Oklahoma City. According to motel witnesses, the American terrorist and his Middle Eastern conspirators used the motel fo the final planning stages of the bombing plot. They recalled seeing Middle Easterners with Timothy McVeigh and on some rare occasions, Terry Nichols in the months, weeks, days, and hours before the terrorist attack in America's heartland. The behavior of the terrorist team seemed rather innocent because McVeigh and the Iraqi soldiers would gather for meetings, hang out and drink beer and order food. But other times their behavior seemed bizzare such as numerous sightings of the Ryder truck with a really nasty smell. The witnesses thought the terrorists were undercover cops or soldiers practicing military drills. An Iraqi soldier named Mohammed,was seen carrying a pistoal and a shotgun. Abraham Ahmad, the Jordanian man, was also seen with McVeigh and the Iraqi soldiers. The motel owner witnessed Ahmad and McVeigh working to repair the yellow Marquis. At 7:50 a.m. on April 19, the Ryder truck pulled up and Mohammed stepped out of the driver's side while McVeigh came out of his room to return the room key and walked to the back of the truck to meet Mohammed. The two spoke briefly then Mohammed jumped into a blue Blazer and McVeigh climed into the driver's seat of the Ryder truck. Another man, whom the motel owner identified as Al-Hussaini, climed into the passenger seat and flashed an angry stare at the owner. The witnesses watched as the Ryder truck exited the property followed by a number of vehicles including the yellow Marquis and the brown Chevy pickup. Al-Hussaini's Iraqi army buddies were the occupants of those vehicles. Ahmad was the occupant of the brown Chevy pickup.

After the bombing, the motel witnesses were shocked to learn that the men who they thought were undercover cops, were actually terrorists assigned to bring Middle Eastern terrorism to the American heartland. The witnesses recoginzed McVeigh and Nichols when they were arrested, but the absence of Middle Eastern suspects confused them deeply.

From August 1990 to January 1995, Terry Nichols, a Kansas farmer, made at least a dozen expensive and unexplained trips to the Philippines. Evidence shows that besides his meetings with the Iraqi soliders in Oklahoma City, Nichols had connections to Middle Eastern terrorists, terrorists connected to Osama Bin Laden, and he received bomb making expertise through Iraqi intelligence and Al Qaeda terrorists in the Philippines. In December 1994, Nichols was in the Philippines at the same time as Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Did these two men meet? According to Edwin Angeles, a Filipino terrorist and co-founder of Abu Sayyaf, an Al Qaeda backed terrorist group, Nichols and Yousef met in the early 1990's. Angeles said he was present when Nichols, Yousef and two Middle Eastern terrorists, Abdul Hakim Murad and Wali Khan Amin Shah, met to discuss training in firearms and explosives.

On the day of the Murrah building bombing, Abdul Hakim Murad, who was being held in a New York City jailcell for a plot to bomb 12 U.S. airliners, told the guards that he was responsible for the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building. Murad told the authorities that he was involved in a plot to hijack airplanes and convert them into flying missiles. The target he intended to destroy was CIA headquarters in Washington D.C. Murad proved he was familiar with details of the failed 1995 plot to destroy U.S. airliners, a plot named "Bojinka" (loud bang), which was the beginning of the 9/11 plot, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and a future plot to convert airplanes into bombs. But the FBI wasn't interested in Murad's claim that a radical Islamic terrorist group in the Philippines was behind the attack on the Murrah building.

In 2005, around the time of the 10 year anniversary of the Oklahoma bombing, evidence came out that Ayman Al-Zawahiri, Osama Bin Laden's #2 man, served as the Al Qaeda field commander who directed the Iraqi soldiers in the heartland attack. Information revealed that the Egyptian doctor traveled to Oklahoma City in the spring of 1995. A few weeks before the bombing, Zawahiri came to town to instruct and prepare the members of the Iraqi terrorist cell. Zawahiri's next order of business during his visit was to meet with two Islamic demolition experts. The Al Qaeda leadership demanded nothing short of perfection in its mission to topple the nine-story Murrah building. The Oklahoma-based Iraqi terrorists who were assigned to take down the Murrah building had attended a Hamas training camp in Chicago to learn how to make truck bombs. Once Zawahiri prepared Saddam's soldiers to kill, he gave them his approval to strike the heartland.

The Oklahoma bombing was a Middle Eastern terrorist plot and was part of the terrorists' ongoing jihad against America. When the Task Force issued the warning that the terrorists had recruited non-Arabs, the non-Arabs were in fact McVeigh and Nichols. The Oklahoma bombing is also an example of how Islamic terrorists have and continue to recruit Americans and non-Arabs of all ethniticies to carry out terrorist attacks and to minimize detection in order to carry out an attack. It wasn't until July 27, 2003, when terrorism anaylasts announced that Islamic terrorists are actively recruiting U.S. citizens and non-Arabs for future operations. Islamic terrorits have and continue to attract Americans like McVeigh and Nichols who share a common hatred of the U.S. government They called it "Masking the face of International Terrorism", which in this case is Middle Eastern terrorism. What the terrorists do is they recruit the non-Arabs and that way the non-Arabs become their masks and it disguises the face of the Islamic terrorists. McVeigh and Nichols were the masks for the Murrah building mission and the Islamic terrorists were kept in disguise. This story shows that as a man who fought in the Gulf War, Timothy McVeigh teamed up with enemy soldiers from Iraq, the same soldiers that he fought against.

The April 19 bombing turned out to be the first successful Islamic attack on U.S. soil. The Oklahoma attack also exposes the connection between Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden and the alliance between Iraq and Al Qaeda was forged on April 19, 1995. Saddam had sent several of his Republican Guard soldiers to America to commit terrorist attacks and that Saddam and Bin Laden financed and sponsored the heartland massacre. The failure to investigate the Middle Eastern connection to the Oklahoma bombing gave the terrorists to strike America again. And that's exactly what they did on September 11, 2001. And also, after the bombing, Hussain Al-Hussaini and two Iraqi brothers went to work at the Logan Airport in Boston, the same airport where several of the 9/11 hijackers seized the airplanes and crashed them into their intended targets.

Posted in Kennedy Assassination on 2006-06-03 19:58:30

Kennedy Assassination

The CIA and the Mafia worked together to assassinate JFK. Three mafia bosses were behind Kennedy's murder; Sam Giancana, the boss in Chicago, Carlos Marcello, the boss in New Orleans, and Santo Trafficante, the boss in Tampa. Marcello was in contact with the French mafia in Marsailles and he asked the mafia boss in Marsailles to send his best hitmen to kill Kennedy and they were the real assassins.