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User: AIRGOD and his Host


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Posted in Boys humiliated by girls on 2012-07-22 14:15:00

With Toa, that's his story to tell. Not mine. I have respected his privacy thus far. I intend on keeping it that way.

In my case, it's a bonus of being a Shadowwind. There are very few of us out there, to be completely honest.

We are called Shadowwind for a reason. We wait in the Shadows, yet can stay in the light. We are rarely focused, but when we are we can be deadly.

Through this you gain a few advantages and disadvantages. A Shadowwind doesn't trust others easily. We are observers first. Given enough time, we can fit in to any area, simply by observing the local interactions.

One major downside is the lack of trust in others. I don't even trust my own blood. The others also have a hard time doing so as well.

The biggest downside that I have experienced is that a Shadowwind will never truly fit in anywhere. We may act like we fit in, but it is only an act to help us survive. We are few and far inbetween.

We are loners. I myself am a Lone Wolf. I do things on my own, but I can work with others given time. There are only 7 that I trust, and none of them are blood related. Those 7 are my "Pack" in a sense. We help each other when its needed, whether they want it or not.

We excel at being on our own, but like to be around those that we can trust blindly with our lives. Out of all of us, I am really the only Shadowwind, but one other could pull it off if she tried.

In regards to my emotions: I have gone the last 10 years doing so. You don't go through this without a few byproducts. I don't like it, but its the truth of the matter. I cannot change that.

Posted in Boys humiliated by girls on 2012-07-21 22:16:34

I come and go, really. I rarely post these days unless I find something noteworthy.

With the questions you had, I figured it was worth letting you know.

it's actually been a while, but Toa Ignika is actually a good guy if you get to know him. A little weird in Society standards, but overall pretty nice if you drop the Society Stick.

That's about all I can say about him right now, as that's all I can remember.

About "People and Choices": There are a lot of people that think that a person is defined by what they do. They don't bother to wonder WHY they do what they do. The most common reasons for doing something are as follows:

  1. Emotions
  2. Because they can
  3. Attention
  4. The Classic "Don't know, Don't care" Also applies to #2, but can be alone.

Or any combination of the above.

All life forms have emotions. Whether we act on the emotions is up to the being. People have choices. The choices they make can make or break an image. Emotions are what makes a human... well, human. The human race is supposed to be balanced out with their emotions, but the upbringing and several other factors can also affect said balance, and the emotions adjust to keep the balance.

When you think about it, it is the emotions of a person that makes the choices appear. It is the person that makes the choice. The consequences of their choice is what Society judges.

I do not follow society in its entirety. I see what it is like, and come to my own conclusions. I do not Truly "Fit in" with Society, however, I can do so if I have the necessary information and abilities.

One of the perks of being a Loner, a Shadowwind, and an observer.

A downside is not knowing part of the situation. It sends me up the wall. I can hide it extremely well, thanks to years of experience.

Posted in Boys humiliated by girls on 2012-07-18 00:11:54

Actually, not many do stick around with Toa IIgnika around.

And it has been going on for years. He's one of the reasons I left the first 2 times. I find the best way to deal with him is to ignore him.

It's not just this poll that he haunts, however. There are others like it, and he posts there as well.

It may $%!@ him off, but if you respond to what he does, it will only provoke him even more. Get him kicked off, he'll come back on with another user.

Toa Ignika, bless his soul, quit the site years ago. Had his entire profile erased. Toa IIgnika is the cause of his leave, along with many others.

If you ask me, he's (IIgnika) a deranged sexist. He is also extremely narrow minded. Toa Ignika and I didn't get along at first, but at least we worked things out. IIgnika won't bother to work it out and instantly thinks you're insulting him.

Just don't talk to him and you'll do fine. Your sanity might also thank me later. I may not have known Evil Kitty personally, but there is no good or evil.

Only people and Choices. I have said this many times, but not once have I ever said that the balance is upheld by human emotions. Just thought you should know.

Posted in The Answer To Your Every Question on 2010-11-24 17:38:12


It's pretty obvious you are in the know. Religions are based on Ideas, spread across wide amounts of beings. Humans have gotten stubborn about their ideals, and through that, they tend to create their own death. There is only one life after death, and what that life is, depends on what you did before you died.

There is only one place you can go, but it is separated into 3 divisions. One is for the ones whose life was much more bad than good. Another is for the opposite type of life: much more good than bad. The third is for the ones who just lived, no excessive good or bad things... Neutrality. Neutrality means no one side of you ruled over the other, meaning no more than a 40-60 split between good and bad (either one can be the 60).

There is also a separate plane from ours that overlaps it at the same time. Few can tell the difference between the two, and fewer can be in both planes at once. Those who can be in both at once can communicate with beings on both sides, which is how I learn of things. It's also how I originally learned about life after death.

This "Spirit Plane" is actually filled with those who didn't pass on, or did, but decided not to go for the judgement into the 3 categories. They were expelled back into the real world, only they stay in the "Spirit Plane".

Perhaps this has given you some food for thought.

Posted in Unrequited Love on 2010-11-24 04:28:06

Something similar happened to me, but it wasn't because she didn't love me... at least I'm not sure if it was.

I didn't realize how much she meant to me until years later. By that time, I was so far off from the way I was, I didn't recognize myself half the time. Losing someone you truly love, whether they love you or not, can have disasterous results, not to mention an extreme distrust of anyone and everyone. I stayed away from people for years, never got close to anyone, family included. Certain shows (mainly anime... Naruto for example) helped me understand why I was the way i was. A broken heart is a lasting wound that doesn't go away easily. There's a character in the anime Naruto.

His name is Gaara. Jinkuriki of Shukaku, the One-Tailed Sand Spirit.

When you first see him, he's ruthless, cold-hearted, and didn't care about anyone but himself. He faces off with Naruto Uzumaki, and his life changes drastically afterwards. Another character: Sasuke Uchiha loses his entire clan (think of it as an extended family) to his own brother.

Gaara, Naruto, and Sasuke. The 3 of them suffered a loss much greater than any other. Gaara lost his mother when he was born and his own father sent someone to kill him. Naruto lived on his own since he was a little boy, shunned by everyone else, only accepted by Sasuke (after the mass murder), Iruka (Naruto's mentor in the academy), and old man Hokage (3rd Hokage, Sarutobi).

Perhaps this will give some food for thought.