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User: AlexLIngram


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Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2020-10-16 05:52:27

SQL (Structured Query Language) is required to create, access, update, and delete the data. So, the knowledge of SQL is one of the most sought after and valuable skills that the employers demand.

In this article, I have compiled some of the most useful SQL resources that I recommend to everybody who wants to learn SQL. Based on how much time you'll be able to invest and how much deeper you want to learn and master SQL, I have segregated the resources into different segments. So, let's begin.

For novices who want to understand the basics of SQL- W3 Schools Its content is very concise and straight-forward. Along with the resources they also provide the option to run SQL queries on their platform with a few dummy tables made for the hands-on. If you have no prior experience of SQL then you can start with W3 School.

For both novices and professionals who want to dig deeper into SQL - SQLZoo It covers SQL commands and theories exhaustively and its USP is, along with all the tutorials, it provides quizzes and exercises to test your understanding after every tutorial. SQL Zoo has divided the whole curriculum into different well-defined stages like Select basics, Aggregate functions, Joins, DDL Commands, etc.

For preparing for SQL interviews - SQL Queries for Interviews If you wish to quickly prepare SQL questions asked in interviews, you can refer to the above site. It starts with basic SQL queries and then moves into more complex SQL questions asked in interviews, indirectly covering the different SQL commands and concepts. From basic interview questions on Select and where clause to SQL queries for finding duplicate rows, displaying odd/even rows only, it covers them all.

For free mini-course with a Top teaching institute - Mini-Courses at Stanford University As we know that Stanford University is one of the world's biggest research and teaching universities. Additionally, it provides free online classes, among them being a multiple mini-courses for learning different elements of the SQL Server. The courses contain videos, quizzes, and exercises. With Regards : AlexLIngram Specialist In : Tantrik baba near me