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User: Alpha One


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Posted in What do you know about abortion? on 2003-05-04 22:19:08

Actually, it's the FETUS' body, not the mothers, that is being considered.

========== In Reply To ========== That is a lovely argument you made there... insert sarcasm here

You have nothing to back up your statement other than it is wrong because it is taking the life off someone who can't defend itself.

Can baby insects defend themselves? No. Do you step on them daily? Yes. Is this wrong also?

And you say that this baby can't defend itself, which is true. (Except it isn't a baby quite yet) It also can't think for itself or rely on itself. The mother has to provide all food, nutrients and everything the fetus needs to grow and survive. The mother also has to provide the body. It IS her body, and you are taking this choice off of her... She has the right to defend herself just as the baby does, does she not?

Posted in SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE on 2003-05-04 21:45:43

Maybe if you'd have actually read his post, he admitted to being a teenager, it would have saved you some thinking time.

And whoever told him it meant risking 18-21 years (not 20-30, you misquoted him) told him the absolute truth. Just once is enough to get a girl pregnant or get AID's. Then that's it.

And yes, you certainly can maintain a relationship with sex. Because of that reason, a girlfriend/boyfriend relationship is capable of lasting.

Yes, frustration is painful.

Nichole and Justin, do us all a favor and ignore these people that risk screwing up their lives.

========== In Reply To ========== Justin - we can tell you're a teenager. Whoever told you that premarital sex means 20-30 years of pain was lying. Nor is marriage a guarantee of love and harmony; some married people hurt each other all their lives. And no, you cannot maintain a relationship without sex. Frustration is painful too. As for Nicole, I can only say I once thought what you think, and I'm now an atheist; for complicated reasons, but one factor was realizing that the Christian attitude to sex was completely round the twist.

Posted in Homosexuality: Your Opinion on 2003-05-04 21:41:47

God doesn't care if you're gay or not.

All he cares about is if you've accepted Jesus as your personal Saviour.

Remember, the only sin God holds you accountable for is not accepting his Son as your Saviour. So, if you accept Christ, God automatically forgives you of all your sins, and forgets about them.

He still punishes you for them, but when you go to face him, he only cares if you've accepted Jesus or not.

Posted in Wicca 101 on 2003-05-04 21:36:16

Those people whom you're talking or hanging around with don't actually think that.

They're just saying that because of one person who said it before. They don't really think you're a freak, they just want to be accepted--by that one person.

========== In Reply To ========== I'ma 13 year old male. Everyone I knows either makes fun of me, scared of me or think I'm a freak for studying wicca.

Posted in Christianity and the Death Penelty and other topics on 2003-05-04 21:34:38

Try arguing that with the rulers of Feudal Japan, or a country whose crime rate is 1%. You'll find that they either totally ignore Freedom of Trial rules, or support the Death Penalty.

========== In Reply To ========== "The constitution says everyone's entitled to the attorney of their choice. The Constitution doesn't say the lawyer has to be awake." Judge Doug Shaver, presiding over the trail of McFarland, who is now on Texas Death Row, after a trial where his attorney fell asleep several times. "The Sleeping Lawyer Syndrome."

"One searches in vain for the execution of any members of the affluent strata of our society." Supreme Court Justice William Douglas

"The barbaric death penalty violates our Constitution. Even the most vile murderer does not, in my view, release the state from its obligation to respect dignity, for the state does not honour the victim by emulating his murderer. Capital punishment's flaw is that it treats people as objects to be toyed with and discarded. . . One day the court will outlaw the death penalty, permanently." Former Supreme Court Justice William Brennan

"To support the death penalty as sound social policy strikes me as grossly misguided. Not only does the death penalty not defer murder, it fosters a culture of brutality, risks international condemnation, and transforms our country into a brutal parish." Judge Rudolph J Gerber, AZ State Court of Appeals, 1998 "The death penalty is the privilege of the poor!" Clinton Duffy, Former Warden of San Quentin