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User: Donald Dumpsfiels


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Posted in Unexpected beach visit in School Uniform on 2011-11-28 20:42:11

I have been in situations in students were nude because the class involved nudity. Both boys and girls like to go nekkid if it is not brought up later. Historically humans have usually gone nude as readers of the National Geographic know. Watch the movie, "Woodstock". The kids had only one place to bathe so they dropped trou and went in nude. Basically our cultural prohitions against nudity are crap. Everybody knows what both sexes look like nude and find it pleasant to look at naked people and do things in the nude. If there are any problems then there is always the run to the water with hands and arms over the no no places.

Posted in Should we bring back Prohibition? on 2011-11-01 01:07:42

Howcome George jr. could seek help for his cocaine abuse but I have the potential of having serious problms if I get caught using Mary G Wanna? All of you Bible readers who can find where the Bible defines marriage as being between a man and a woman can't find where the first thing Delard said to Adam and Eve was they could use any drug except for one?

Posted in Abortion on 2011-10-18 12:23:29

A fetus is not a child. Why not adopt a one month old fetus. Certain casinos in Nevada prohibit 6 week old fetuses from playing Texas Holdem but Carribean Stud is ok.

Posted in Are West Virginians' Unintelligent? on 2011-10-18 12:19:19

West Virginia broke off from Virginia in order to stop the vile practice of slavery. Further, Harpers Ferry was the location of the first military operation against slavery. I have visited W Va many times and find no retarded there. Loundon County, Virgina has the highest level of income in the Washington DC area and yet is northwest of Wash DC. Anybody with any sort of intelligence knows not to live northwest of their place of employment as the commute in the morning and the return hom in the evening is done while facing the sun and is thus is both uncomfortable and dangerous. People in Loundon County do not live in West Virginia and occupy positions high up in the federl government. Hate the US government. Now you can back up up statement of how stupid they are.

Posted in what kind of underwear should i wear to the doctor? on 2011-10-18 12:04:45

When I was 4 years old my father was in the US Army and my mother was concerned about my coordination. Anyway I ended up walking down a hall with the army doctor watching me walk. At one point he told me to drop trou and walk in my undies. Doctors might examine you while you are in your skivies and for good reason. Army medecine used to be more fun back in the day.