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User: gotcha


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Posted in Mixed Boxing (girls only) on 2005-11-20 20:47:00

Dude, if you're 6 foot 1 and only 140 pounds you should be careful what you say unless you have a death wish. There are girls who could punch straight through you

Posted in Mixed Boxing (girls only) on 2005-11-20 20:44:14

Well Candie, I don't think this girl could come back and beat me even if she wanted to. I started growing after that first fight and by the second fight I was taller and heavier than her. She was still muscular looking, and very sure of herself and that made me nervous at first. After the firet round I knew she didn't have the speed or power to beat me as long as I kept my head in it. I knocked her down in the second round, and at the end of the third I knocked her down and she didn't get up.

Since then I've grown even bigger and stronger and I'm a better fighter. She may be a better fighter than she was, but she was already at her physical peak the first time we fought. The last time we met she said she would never fight me again because I was too much bigger than her. She was very proud of her arms and she challenged me to armwrestle. I beat her pretty easily.

She is still tough though. I'll bet she can beat boys in her size/weight class.

Posted in Mixed Boxing (girls only) on 2005-10-29 23:21:30

Tommy is right about one thing. Most girls are weak and can’t fight. I wouldn’t fight most girls even if they wanted to fight me because it wouldn’t be fair and I would hurt them too bad. But a few girls are naturally tough and if they train hard they can get stronger and better than most boys.

When I was 14 I agreed to fight this older girl that a friend knew. I didn’t know she had been working out with weights for a few years along with learning boxing. When she took off her sweats I got intimidated by her muscularity. She was about my height and she had rippling muscles everywhere. She was so confident and self assured and she flexed her arm and asked if I was sure I wanted to get beat up. I couldn’t back down, so I put on a tough face and replied that it would soon be her lying on her back. She just turned to our mutual friend and asked what round she should knock me out. But she was a girl and I was pretty good and a boy, so I figured I might be better than her and she might not be as strong as she looked or she might be slow or overconfident.

Unfortunately she really was stronger and better than me. She toyed with me and even let me hit her a few times in the early rounds. Then she knocked me out in the fourth round just like she said. I’ve never been in another fight that was so mismatched against a boy or girl. I can’t say I was too humiliated though, because she could have beaten most of the guys in my class. That loss motivated me to train extra hard to make sure I could get my revenge against her the next time. I did.

Posted in Mixed Boxing (girls only) on 2005-10-16 05:31:56

Its hard to find girls to box, but the ones who do are really tough. When I was just starting out I was about 12 and I fought this girl my age. We were about equal in size and strength, but she was just wicked quick. She knocked me down a couple of times and won. That hurt, especially her spreading it all over the place that she beat me!

This other girl wanted to fight me just because I was the boy who had been beat by a girl. She didn't have the strength or the moves of the first girl and I beat her. I've had a few fights since then with mixed results. How about you?