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User: Makenzie9151


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Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2018-06-24 03:30:43

Donovan Hawley if you want to send me a message too my email is coxm9151@gmail.com.

Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2018-05-13 06:29:35

Hi nut crushing mum, wow, that is a lot of stuff. I will have to get them for Josh. I actually already bought the ball crusher and the urethra stretcher. My next step is buying the teeth. I am so excited to try them out on Josh. Joshs balls have been a stress ball for me while I am taking my end of the quarter tests. I haven't had much time on my hands lately. How are things going? What have you tried?

Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2018-04-28 19:56:21

Hi Benjamin. Glad your sis I still in to it. I like tickling my brothers balls too. I do it on the bottoms of his balls with my fingertips. He gets a boner and it wiggles while he laughs and screams! I like to cuddle with Josh too and talk about his boy parts. Problem is Josh doesn't enjoy it as much as you seem to. Does it ever get embarrassing for you? Does she ever squeeze your bare balls?

Nut crushing mum. I had a few friends over the other day. We all took turns playing with and slapping Josh's balls. Also my little cousin is really getting into it. She now holds the other key to Joshs cage. Summer break just started so my friends, my cousins and I will be having a lot of fun with Josh. Any ideas are welcome!

Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2018-04-25 01:31:03

Hi Sophia, Im glad to hear Annie is looking out for her brothers. I can see why that bully never bothered Julius again. Have you been up to anything lately? Hey Nut-crushing-Mum, its been a while. I have had testing these past couple weeks, but I still have Josh by the balls. Just found out Mom is going on a trip for the summer so I will be taking charge of Josh the whole summer. He will remain naked and caged for most of it. Glad things are going so well with your son. Could you show me what the bending cage looks like again? The link didn't work and I really want to get one for Josh.

Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2018-04-13 02:04:26

Good to hear you are still spanking them. How often does he visit? I agree that young men should be kept in chastity to improve their behavior and grades as I do with my older brother Josh and most recently my 18 year old cousin Aiden. What kind of $%!@ cage does he have? Is he ever allowed sexual release? I havent used the wheelbarrow yet, but after looking it up, I think it looks the most exciting. Do you aim for each individual testicle? How long is his corner time? Having him completely naked during his spanking is a good idea as it shows him that nothing is private from you. So, is it just you and him when spankings take place or is anybody else allowed to watch? Sorry for all the questions, this is just an exciting topic for me. What is his name by the way?