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User: MattVile1126@aol.com


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The media is brain washing people into thinking race-mixing is good. Whites and Blacks are both to blame!

Posted in White women only- interracial dating on 2007-10-14 05:13:43

I really hope the results of this poll aren't accurate on a national level.

Posted in GOD's Choice over man-made 'DRUGS'. on 2007-05-21 20:32:10

It's kinda like propaganda to use God in this arguement. Let's just say the government is wrong for illegalizing something that has no proven negative long term effects.

Posted in Views on Jews and Judaism on 2007-04-19 05:48:40

Only some Nazis were Wotanists. Hitler himself was a Deist and didn't plan on killing Christians. Do some research before you talk about $%!@ you don't know about.

Posted in Views on Jews and Judaism on 2007-04-19 05:47:08

I'll second that. I'm not a christian or particularly conservative, but I know how dangerous jEwws are.