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User: misterpoll 87


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Global Warming is NOT an opinon it is a fact and if anything it is underexaggerated by the media. Also it is irrefutably man caused because the rate of global warming is occuring WAY faster than it is supposed to at natural levels because usually it takes millions of years to cause the amount of damage that has been caused over the course of a couple hundred years.

Posted in salvation on 2009-11-08 02:36:48

I do believe in a literal hell but i'm not sure if God will ever release the people from hell because in the bible I think it mentions they will stay in hell for all eternity.

Posted in Whole Wheat Pizza on 2009-07-07 21:33:38

Visit my poll Beliefs and Morals created by misterpoll 87

Posted in Windows Vista & Windows 7 on 2009-07-07 21:32:34

Visit my poll Beliefs and Morals created by Mmisterpoll 87.

Posted in Vampire Vs. Werewolf on 2009-07-07 21:29:49

Visit my poll Beliefs and Morals created by Misterpoll 87.