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User: moley


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Posted in Babysitters Bathing Boys on 2008-03-28 22:51:46

Emily, why don't you think it is OK for girls the same age to babysit boys? If girls enter puberty earlier and are more mature what is the problem? I know this poll is about bathing boys, but assuming a girl has seen boys nude before I'm not sure why it is not OK. Just interested in your opinion.

Also, Helvos54, I have read posting where you are a mother of a 13-yo boy, a 13-boy yourself, and a 16 yo boy. Could you please pick one identity and stick to it? Please???

Posted in Punishment For Rape on 2008-02-29 23:25:37

Well, Samantha, I think you have taken these comments to a new low. You are admiring the work of a Nazi war criminal whose actions were so viel, even the Nazi's themselves arrested her for her inhumanity. I find it dispicable that you are having a perverse interest in the cruelty she inflicted on innocent victims. If rape victims are resorting to the Nazi's for ideas for revenge, than you have sunken to the same low level of rapists themselves. Congratulations!

........Hi Tammy, i've enjoyed reading your posts on women in history that have amused themselves destroying males. I have to admit, the one torture i would like to see the most, used on a rapist was Sorghanghtani Kahn's idea of tying a naked man by his genitals alone to the saddle of a horse thats ready to gallop. I wonder if she insisted that the victims wieners be fully erect as the ropes were bound? A woman in history that i would like to read more about was the concentration camp ruler, Ilsa Koch. I watched a programme years ago in which a few men that had escaped the camp talked about how she used to invite all her female friends to view new male arrivals, she would have the men stand in a row on a low wall and strip completely naked. Once the women had grown bored of poking fun and laughing at them, that's where the men would stay for hours in the freezing wind and snow, many died from the cold and some used to throw themselves on the electric fence to end their suffering. Apparently she also regularly selected a few men to work naked in her house serving her and her female friends. What the women did with these men i would like to know, because once they entered the house they were never seen again. She also had a collection of ornaments made from body parts. Apparently the scrotum makes a good purse.

Posted in Babysitters Bathing Boys on 2008-02-29 21:20:46

Hi Emily. Thanks for your reply; I'm not sure why your response was flagged, but whatever. I think you got to the heart of the matter, however, Moms do not seem care about their sons modesty so telling them would likely be futile (read a few stories in this poll.) The boys would get a "Oh what;s the big deal, Emily baths all kinds of boys." Anyway, it seems your more concerned about their behavior than having any interest in their genitals.

Do the boys you bath get embarrased about being naked in from of you? Have you had friends over to help? Do they pee in front of you? I remember as a young boy being naked in front of many young sitters and their friends but I just accepted it, embarrasment and all. After reading some of the other comments from both sitters and boys, I am thankful I was circumcised at birth and did not need a girl helping me wash 'there." Th

Posted in Vaginas on 2008-02-27 03:51:11

You said that feminists are working to uphold the laws that restrict us of our freedom. Well, I understand where you're coming from, however I am somewhat of a feminist and the reason toplessness $%!@es us off is that it attracts men. Why should all the media degrade women by showing their breasts while men don't show their genitalia? You see, breasts turn men on and how does a vagina turn a guy on I don't know. Whatever, point it that its entirely fair that women's toplessness in movies is equal to men's genitals. It's about the same equivalent.

schmooglie, trust me, vagina's do turn guys.

Posted in Babysitters Bathing Boys on 2008-02-27 03:46:51

Emily, how would you feel if you were 12 and you were being bathed by a boy who was 15, alomost 16? Would that be a big deal? Would you be embarrased about him seeing your vagina? The subtle theme of the poll is the double standard in modesty between boys and girls. A boy is expected to be naked in front of a girl only a few years older, but the reverse is almost unheard of. It is not a 'big deal' unless you happen to be a boy who is uncomfortable being naked in front of girls, which is understandable.