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Posted in Girls vs Guys and Age on 2009-04-01 17:31:46

I've been lifted and carried around by strong girls before, but in tests of brute strength like arm wrestling/regular wrestling I almost always win against a girl.

Posted in Is America a superpower (and if not, when was it)? on 2008-10-21 15:54:40

Good poll, and I appreciate how fair the questions were. Both opinions had a chance.

Posted in Gender Role Reversal Part 2 on 2008-08-28 02:31:39

My girlfriend carries me like that all the time, though I don't think she can lift me from the floor, I have to be standing up. I love that she's so strong but I like carrying her a lot better.

Posted in Boys only: is you girlfirend stronger than you on 2008-08-10 22:12:17

My girlfriend is pretty strong, she can lift me up and carry me and once in a while she beats me at wrestling. I win mostly but we are pretty evenly matched. We like to challenge each other and I'm proud of her when she wins.

I am 120 pounds and my little brother is 115. We take turns picking each other up almost every day. I don't mind that he's so strong. It's fun having a brother who's your equal when it comes to wrestling and stuff, it's more fun and challenging that way. It's kind of embarrassing when he carries me in front of my friends though, especially my girlfriend although she can carry me too.